Access to mental health services (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 34-B, SECTION 3009)

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§3010. Access to mental health services


Any money that is identified as net General Fund savings through legislative actions or through departmental administrative actions due to the closure of or diminution of services at a state mental health institution or to lowered administrative costs within the department must be used to provide mental health services to persons in need of those services in other appropriate settings and programs, including, but not limited to, community-based mental health programs. For the purposes of this section, "net General Fund savings" means total savings in the General Fund projected to be available due to a series of specific actions less any cost or liability resulting from implementing those actions.   [RR 1995, c. 2, §87 (RAL).]


RR 1995, c. 2, §87 (RAL).

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