Death of client

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§3045. Death of client

When any client in custody dies, an examination and inquest must be held, and the commissioner or the chief administrative officer of the facility shall cause a medical examiner to be immediately notified for that purpose pursuant to Title 22, section 3025. For purposes of this section, "custody" means confinement in a state correctional or detention facility or when the client is on the way to or from a state correctional or detention facility while in the custody of a state corrections official. The medical examiner shall also review the case file and relevant medical records and determine whether an autopsy is needed. If the medical examiner determines that an autopsy is needed, an autopsy must be performed.   [PL 2011, c. 420, Pt. D, §5 (AMD); PL 2011, c. 420, Pt. D, §6 (AFF).]


PL 1983, c. 459, §6 (NEW). PL 1991, c. 314, §49 (AMD). PL 2011, c. 60, §4 (AMD). PL 2011, c. 420, Pt. D, §5 (AMD). PL 2011, c. 420, Pt. D, §6 (AFF).

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