Vacancy defined

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§361. Vacancy defined

A vacancy in any federal, state or county office, in the office of an election official or in any political committee occurs when the incumbent dies, resigns, becomes disqualified or changes the incumbent's residence to an electoral division other than that from which the incumbent was elected or when the person elected fails to qualify.   [RR 2019, c. 2, Pt. B, §48 (COR).]

1.  Filled for unexpired term.  A vacancy in any office shall be filled for an unexpired term, except where it is specifically provided to the contrary.  

[PL 1985, c. 161, §6 (NEW).]


PL 1985, c. 161, §6 (NEW). RR 2019, c. 2, Pt. B, §48 (COR).

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