Buildings on leased land sold for land rent; redemption

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§4760. Buildings on leased land sold for land rent; redemption

When a lessor of lands, leased for the purpose of erecting a building thereon, commences an action against the lessee, attaches the buildings within 6 months after the rent becomes due and recovers such rent, he may on execution cause the rents and profits of such buildings to be sold for a term sufficient to pay the debt and costs or cause such building to be sold like any other personal estate. In all cases, any mill or building seized and sold on execution as a chattel personal may be redeemed within one year, as land levied upon by appraisement may be. The remedies and rights of the parties are the same as those of mortgagor and mortgagee, except the rate of interest, which shall be 10% a year.  

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