RS 796 - Lake Fausse Point, Lake Dauterive, and Grand Avoille Cove Advisory Board
A. The Lake Fausse Point, Lake Dauterive, and Grand Avoille Cove Advisory Board, hereafter in this Section referred to as the board, is hereby created to advise the secretary on matters pertaining to the preservation of the Lake Fausse Point, Lake Dauterive, and Grand Avoille Cove area and to the development of recreational opportunities in the area.
B.(1) The commission is comprised as follows:
(a) The member of the Louisiana House of Representatives representing House District Number 49 or his designee.
(b) The member of the Louisiana House of Representatives representing House District Number 50 or his designee.
(c) The member of the Louisiana House of Representatives representing House District Number 46 or his designee.
(d) The member of the Louisiana Senate representing Senate District Number 21 or his designee.
(e) The member of the Louisiana Senate representing Senate District Number 22 or his designee.
(f) Two members of the Chitimacha Tribe appointed by the governing authority of the tribe.
(g) One member appointed by the mayor of Baldwin subject to confirmation by the governing authority of Baldwin.
(h) One member appointed by the mayor of Jeanerette subject to confirmation by the governing authority of Jeanerette.
(i) The member of the St. Mary Parish governing authority representing Council District Number 1 or his designee.
(j) The member of the Iberia Parish governing authority representing Council District Number 11 or his designee.
(k) The member of the St. Martin Parish governing authority representing Council District Number 1 or his designee.
(l) The Eagle Point Park Committee shall appoint two of its members to serve on the board.
(m) The members of the Legislature of Louisiana referenced in Subparagraphs (a) through (e) of this Paragraph shall collectively appoint one licensed commercial fisherman.
(n) The members of the Legislature of Louisiana referenced in Subparagraphs (a) through (e) of this Subsection shall appoint one member from a list of three nominations submitted by the local chapter of Ducks Unlimited.
(o) The governing authority of the St. Mary Parish Consolidated Water and Sewer District of Charenton shall appoint one of its members to serve on the board.
(p) The lieutenant governor, the secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the secretary of the Department of Natural Resources may each designate an individual to serve as a nonvoting member of the board.
(q) The parish presidents for Iberia Parish, St. Martin Parish, and St. Mary Parish, shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the board or may designate a person to serve in their stead.
(2) The term of each appointed member shall be concurrent with the term of the respective appointing authority.
(3) The board shall elect from its membership a chair, a vice chair, and other officers as it deems appropriate.
(4) The board shall hold regular meetings as provided by its bylaws and may hold special meetings upon the call of its chair or vice chair or upon the call of a majority of its members. The board shall meet not less often than quarterly but not more often than monthly. Meetings shall be held at the Chitimacha Tribal Center unless the board, by majority vote, determines that meeting at such location is impractical or that the center is otherwise unavailable for the meetings.
(5) Members of the board shall serve without compensation.
(6) The maximum expenditure of state funds for this commission shall be limited to two thousand dollars per year. Notwithstanding any other law or provision to the contrary, the board is authorized to receive by gift, grant, donation or otherwise, any sum of money, aid or assistance from the United States, the state of Louisiana, or any of the political subdivisions thereof, the Chitimacha Tribe, private entities, or any other private or public source, to provide additional funds for the purpose of carrying out the objects, purposes, operations, and activities of the board.
C.(1) The board shall:
(a) Assess the impact natural processes and human activity are having on the area.
(b) Advise the secretary on policies and projects that will preserve the natural state and viability of the lakes and their environs and at the same time make recreational enjoyment of the area available to more people.
(c) Evaluate the effectiveness of governmental policies and projects and report to the secretary on any need for changes therein.
(d) Ensure that any decision of the board is consistent with the Basin Master plan, the Annual Basin plan, and the master plan for coastal protection and restoration for a sustainable coast.
(2) The board may commission studies and prepare reports relating to the purpose for which it is created and may solicit, accept, and expend funds for such purposes.
(3) Any project proposed by the board which may impact water quality or water management in the Atchafalaya Basin, as defined by R.S. 30:2000.2, shall comply with all requirements of R.S. 30:2000.11 for the approval of a water management project for inclusion in the Annual Basin plan.
D. Unless otherwise extended by legislation, the authorization for the creation of the board shall terminate on December 31, 2019, and the board shall cease all functions and be dissolved as of that date.
Acts 2009, No. 361, §1; Acts 2010, No. 88, §1.