RS 66 - Extortion
A. Extortion is the communication of threats to another with the intention thereby to obtain anything of value or any acquittance, advantage, or immunity of any description. Any one of the following kinds of threats shall be sufficient to constitute extortion:
(1) A threat to do any unlawful injury to the person or property of the individual threatened or of any member of his family or of any other person held dear to him.
(2) A threat to accuse the individual threatened or any member of his family or any other person held dear to him of any crime. An offer to participate in a theft prevention program pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure Article 215 shall not constitute a violation of the provisions of this Paragraph.
(3) A threat to expose or impute any deformity or disgrace to the individual threatened or to any member of his family or to any other person held dear to him.
(4) A threat to expose any secret affecting the individual threatened or any member of his family or any other person held dear to him.
(5) A threat to cause harm as retribution for participation in any legislative hearing or proceeding, administrative proceeding, or in any other legal action.
(6) A threat to do any other harm.
B. Whoever commits the crime of extortion shall be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than one nor more than fifteen years.
Acts 2011, No. 243, §1; Acts 2018, No. 61, §2.