RS 4276 - Powers and duties of state forester
The state forester shall:
(1) Have direction of all forest interests and all matters pertaining to forestry within the jurisdiction of the state.
(2) Determine annual goals, objectives, and priorities and conduct annual reviews per established department protocol.
(3) Serve as lead department liaison responsible for the detection and rapid suppression of all forest wildfires in the state including all state-owned and private forest lands and non-forested open areas threatening forest lands.
(4) Work with state cooperators that may offer assistance during wildfire suppression efforts.
(5) Take such action as is authorized by law to prevent and extinguish forest fires.
(6) Enforce laws pertaining to forest woodlands and recommend prosecutions for violations.
(7) Act as lead department liaison to educate and train industry professionals and the public on matters vital to the long-term stability and sustainability of Louisiana's forests. Lead and support programs that educate the public on the importance of forest resources and their contribution to the economic health of the state, and the social and recreational benefits derived from vibrant, healthy, working forests and the dynamic ecosystems they support.
(8) Cooperate with and encourage private timber owners in laying plans to protection, management, and the replacement of forests, and in aiding them to form protective associations.
(9) Provide wildfire suppression training to the office of forestry employees to National Wildfire Coordinating Group standards.
(10) Provide certified burner training.
(11) Serve as the lead department liaison responsible for wildfire prevention education and training.
(12) Serve as the state liaison for forest inventory and maintain statistically reliable forest inventory data that is publicly accessible, if appropriated in the budget.
(13) Serve as lead department liaison responsible for compliance monitoring related to adherence to forest practices mandated by law and voluntary best management practices for forestry as established by the state of Louisiana.
(14) Establish an ongoing monitoring protocol that is stable, consistently implemented, and reported to stakeholders and the public on a biennial basis.
(15) Direct landowner assistance to encourage reforestation and sustainable land management and make recommendations based on understanding landowner objectives.
(16) Administer the Forest Productivity Program which provides reforestation assistance.
Amended by Acts 1981, No. 736, §1; Acts 1981, No. 838, §1; Acts 2012, No. 808, §1.