RS 420.1 - Inclusion of employers' contributions for budget purposes
The State Board of Education shall include the employers' contribution due to Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana on all salaries payable as a result of a statewide minimum salary schedule adopted by the legislature or by a schedule established in the cost program of the minimum foundation program in the formula for computing the state equalization fund distribution, together with distributions from the teachers salary fund into which the legislature is authorized to make appropriations from the general fund of the state, as follows:
(1) The amount allowed in the cost portion of the equalization distribution formula for teachers salaries, visiting teachers salaries, and supervisors salaries shall be multiplied by the current employer contribution rate and the sum thereof included as a line item in the cost program.
(2) The total amount of salaries payable to other school employees who are members of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana shall be multiplied by the current employer contribution rate and the sum thereof included as a line item in the cost program.
Added by Acts 1972, No. 112, §2.