RS 41 - Amusement tax for relief of public and quasi-public charitable institutions and human service programs
Any parish or municipality of more than three hundred thousand inhabitants may levy a tax for the purpose of providing funds for public and quasi-public charitable institutions operated by a parish or municipal welfare department, and in the event of a surplus of such funds, to human service programs, as determined by the parish or municipal governing authority, within the respective parish or municipality on any theater, motion picture house, athletic contest, exhibition, pageant, production, demonstration, flower show, concert, musicale, recital, circus, freak show, minstrel show, lecture, address, night club, cabaret, dance, dance-hall, restaurant which provides either floor show, singing, dancing, or dancing facilities to patrons, excursion and sightseeing steamers which receive and discharge passengers in the same parish or municipality, aviation pleasure rides that take on and discharge passengers in the same parish or municipality, scenic railways, flying horses or merry-go-rounds, shooting galleries, and all games of skill and chance, as well as all mechanical devices operated for pleasure or skill where a fee is charged for admission or entrance or for the purpose of playing them, or where there is any charge whatever for them or in connection with them either directly or indirectly, or where admission is had by a season ticket.
Amended by Acts 1980, No. 819, §1, eff. Aug. 1, 1980.