RS 409.3 - Mandatory reporting
A. Any administrator, teacher, counselor, bus operator, or other school employee, whether full-time or part-time, who learns of a threat of violence or threat of terrorism, whether through oral communication, written communication, or electronic communication, shall:
(1) Immediately report the threat to a local law enforcement agency if the threat is credible and imminent.
(2) Immediately report the threat to school administrators for further investigation, in compliance with the policy adopted pursuant to R.S. 17:409.4, if the threat does not meet the standard provided for in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection.
B. No person shall have a cause of action against any person for any action taken or statement made in adherence with the requirement for reporting as provided in this Subpart. However, the immunity from liability provided in this Subsection shall not apply to any action or statement if the action or statement was maliciously, willfully, and deliberately intended to cause harm to, harass, or otherwise deceive law enforcement or school officials.
Acts 2018, No. 716, §1; Acts 2019, No. 209, §1.