RS 406.2 - Coordination of policies
The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall direct the state superintendent of education to convene, on a quarterly basis, a meeting of representatives of appropriate public and private, state and local agencies to discuss ways and means of coordinating policies to encourage, foster, and promote expanded parental and family involvement in the learning of their children and in the life of the schools. Each year, not later than sixty days prior to the regular session of the legislature, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall submit to the governor and to the House and Senate Committees on Education a report, based on the discussions held at the quarterly meetings conducted by the state superintendent of education, which shall identify the problems, if any, that state and local agencies are having in increasing the participation and involvement of parents in the learning of their children and in the life of the schools, the suggestions and recommendations that were made to improve such participation and involvement, and the superintendent's and board's response to these suggestions and recommendations.
Acts 1991, No. 448, §1.