RS 404.1 - Compensation of municipal officers
The board of aldermen shall by ordinance fix the compensation of the mayor, aldermen, clerk, chief of police, and all other municipal officers. The board of aldermen may by ordinance increase or decrease their compensation and the compensation of any nonelected municipal officer and may increase the compensation of other elected officials. However, the board of aldermen shall not reduce the compensation of any elected official during the term for which he is elected.
Added by Acts 1978, No. 125, §1. Acts 1985, No. 890, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986; Acts 1986, No. 1076, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1987; Acts 1997, No. 309, §1.
{{NOTE: SEE ACTS 1985, NO. 890, §3.}}