RS 4006 - Responsibilities of purchaser, cooperative, and licensed personnel; suspension of license
A. Purchaser; cooperative; tank truck owner: The purchaser, cooperative and tank truck owner shall be responsible, bound, and coequally liable for their licensed employees to carry out the provisions of this subpart, and the rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
B. Measurer-sampler: A licensed measurer-sampler shall be responsible and liable for the correct measuring, conversion, sampling, transport and care of milk samples so long as they are under his care and as may otherwise be defined by rule and regulation.
C. Milk and cream tester: A licensed tester shall be responsible for the proper storage, preparation, mixing, testing, and posting of fresh and/or composite samples of milk and the subsequent results thereof.
D. Calibration technician: No person other than a licensed milk and cream tester, approved by the commissioner in writing or by special license, shall calibrate, adjust, or otherwise supervise any electronic fat analysis device. The employment of any electronic fat analysis device, which must be approved by the commissioner, by any purchaser or cooperative shall require not less than two approved calibration technicians.
E. Suspension of licenses: If investigation by the commissioner discloses intentional misconduct in the procuring of any sample, or the tampering with a milk sample, equipment, electronic analysis device or butterfat records, the license of the sampler, tester or calibration technician and/or their licensed employer may be immediately suspended by the commissioner for a period of not more than thirty days, and may be revoked as provided in R.S. 3:4010.
Acts 1974, No. 306, §1; Acts 1985, No. 74, §1; Acts 1985, No. 218, §1.