RS 3983 - Specifications; advertising for bids
A. The governing authority of such district, after having given notice of its intention as above set forth and after disposing of all objections and having decided to order the construction of such improvements, may, without further delay, have the necessary plans and specifications for said work prepared and may authorize the advertisement for bids therefor, by the giving of notice calling for sealed bids for the construction of said work, said notice to be signed by the chief executive officer or purchasing agent of the district, and to be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in the official journal of the district, or in any newspaper having general circulation in the parish where the district is located, the first insertion to be not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the reception and opening of the bids. Said notice shall contain a general description of work contemplated, shall refer to plans and specifications which shall be placed on file with the clerk, secretary or purchasing agent of the said governing authority, and shall designate the hour, date and place for the reception and opening of bids, and may provide either that the contractor be required to accept certificates of indebtedness hereafter authorized, if the governing authority elects to make such requirement, or that they may be sold in such a manner and at such time as the governing authority may elect.
B. Sewerage improvements authorized under the provisions of this sub-part may be combined, constructed and installed as a part of road or street paving improvements undertaken jointly by the district with a municipality, or parish, in which the district is located or with the Louisiana Department of Highways. Advertisements for bids on such joint projects shall be in accordance with the requirements of law applicable to road or street paving improvements ordered by any such municipality, parish, or the Louisiana Department of Highways, and it shall not be necessary that the project be advertised as otherwise provided in this section. Where sewer improvements authorized under the provisions of this Subpart are included in and constructed as an integral part of a road or street paving project being undertaken by a municipality or parish in which the district is located, or by the Louisiana Department of Highways, the lowest responsible bid received for the entire project shall govern, and assessments to be levied as hereinafter provided shall be based upon the total of the unit prices contained in the bid proposal and applicable to the sewer work included in the joint project.
Amended by Acts 1950, No. 462, §3; Acts 1964, No. 104, §1.