RS 359.4 - Temporary modification
A. An existing order of custody or visitation may be temporarily modified to reasonably accommodate the deployment of a parent. Any such order issued in accordance with the provisions of this Subpart shall be entered as a temporary order by the court.
B. Unless the court determines that it is not in the best interest of the child, a temporary modification order shall grant the deploying parent reasonable custody or visitation during periods of approved military leave if the existing order granted the deploying parent custody or visitation prior to deployment. All restrictions on the custody or visitation in the existing order shall remain in effect in the temporary modification order.
C. A temporary modification order shall specify that deployment is the reason for modification and shall require the other parent to provide the court and the deploying parent with written notice thirty days prior to a change of address or telephone number.
D. The court shall have an expedited hearing on any custody or visitation matters, upon the motion of a parent and for good cause shown, when military duties prevent the deploying parent from personally appearing at a hearing scheduled regularly on the docket.
Acts 2010, No. 739, §1.