RS 355.19 - Sanctions for unwarranted or frivolous proposal to relocate child or objection to relocation
A. After notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond, the court may impose a sanction on a person proposing or objecting to a proposed relocation of a child if it determines that the proposal or objection was made :
(1) For the purpose of harassing the other person or causing unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation.
(2) Without a basis in existing law or on the basis of a frivolous argument.
(3) In violation of Code of Civil Procedure Article 863(B).
B. A sanction imposed under this Section shall be limited to what is sufficient to deter repetition of such conduct. The sanction may consist of reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred as a direct result of the conduct.
Acts 2012, No. 627, §1.