RS 3418 - Delivery and discharge from storage of stored agricultural commodities
A. Except as provided herein, every warehouse licensed under this Chapter shall, without unnecessary delay, deliver the agricultural commodity or other farm product stored therein upon a demand made either by the holder of a warehouse receipt or a scale ticket marked for storage covering the agricultural commodity or other farm product or by the depositor thereof if such demand is accompanied by an offer to satisfy the warehouse lien; an offer to surrender the warehouse receipt, if negotiable, with such endorsements as would be necessary for the negotiation of the warehouse receipt; and written acknowledgment, when the agricultural commodity or other farm product is delivered to it, that the commodity or product has been so delivered. The above action is not required in any circumstances where the warehouse has determined that there are liens recorded against the commodity or other farm product covered by the warehouse receipt or scale ticket marked for storage or where the order of any court of competent jurisdiction prohibits the release of the agricultural commodity or other farm product.
B. Every warehouse may require any depositor of an agricultural commodity or other farm product to remove the commodity or other farm product from storage upon sixty days prior written notice to the depositor.
Added by Acts 1982, No. 563, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Acts 2009, No. 24, §1, eff. June 12, 2009.