RS 3333 - Specifications; advertising for bids and awarding contract
Whenever the governing authority resolves to make an improvement under the provisions of this Sub-part, they shall prepare plans and specifications of the work to be placed on file in the office of the municipal clerk or engineer, and shall adopt an ordinance ordering and describing in general terms the contemplated improvement, and authorizing the clerk or secretary to advertise for bids therefor. The advertisements shall be inserted at least twice in some newspaper published in the city, the first insertion to be not less than ten days prior to the date fixed for the reception of the bids, and it shall contain a general description of the contemplated work, and shall designate the hour, date, and place for the reception and opening of the bids. The governing authority shall let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder who can furnish satisfactory security, but shall have the right to reject any and all bids, in which case the municipality may purchase the material and have the work done, the cost of the work when completed to be assessed and paid for as provided in this Sub-part.