RS 32 - Budget request contents
A. A budget unit shall submit its budget request for the ensuing year in accordance with annual instructions to be provided by the division of administration.
B. A budget unit shall prepare an existing operating budget for a date certain to be established by the budget office and a series of budget adjustments which increase or decrease its request from the existing operating budget level.
C.(1) Each budget unit shall list and itemize each request for the funding of each professional, personal, or consulting service contract separately in its budget request. A budget unit may submit consolidated requests for funding for professional services that are reasonably foreseen, but not specifically known at the time of the request.
(2) The budget request shall set forth the type of professional service contemplated, the general purpose of such professional service, and reasonable information concerning prior need for such services substantiating the request. No contract for professional, personal, or consulting services shall be entered into unless said contract was submitted in the budget request as provided in this Subsection except for a contract thereafter specifically approved by the legislature.
D. All budget units shall include a schedule which, by program, indicates the dollar value of state funds substituted for federal funds. For purposes of this Subsection, programs included in the schedule shall include programs where the federal match rate or dollar allocation has been reduced or is scheduled to be reduced. This schedule shall include figures for the preceding year, the current year, and the year for which funds are being requested.
E. A personnel table as defined by this Subsection shall be included with the budget request. The table shall contain information and be in a form as required by the budget office and shall include authorized, estimated, and requested positions organized according to programs or subprograms as follows:
(1) The number of authorized positions for the prior fiscal year and the number classified and unclassified.
(2) The number of authorized positions in the initial operating budget and in the existing operating budget for the current fiscal year, and the number classified and unclassified.
(3) The number of positions estimated for the nondiscretionary adjusted standstill budget and the continuation budget for the next fiscal year and the number classified and unclassified.
(4) The number of positions requested for the next fiscal year and the number classified and unclassified.
(5) The actual amount expended for salaries continuing for authorized positions for the prior fiscal year.
(6) The total amount budgeted for salaries continuing for authorized positions in the initial operating budget and in the existing operating budget for the current fiscal year.
(7) The estimated amount for salaries continuing for the positions estimated for the nondiscretionary adjusted standstill budget and the continuation budget for the next fiscal year.
(8) The total amount requested for salaries continuing for requested positions for the next fiscal year.
F. The personnel table in the budget request shall also include information on all positions paid from the other charges category of expenditure in the accounting system of the state in the same detail as required for authorized, estimated, and requested positions in Subsection E of this Section.
G. The budget request shall also contain a listing of authorized positions that have been vacant for a period of at least twelve months.
H. The budget request shall also contain a comprehensive report, by each budget unit and each spending agency in the executive and judicial branches of state government, complete as of September thirtieth of the preceding year, of information concerning motor vehicles, aircraft, and boats, owned or leased by each agency within the executive or judicial branch. The report shall include for each vehicle, the type of vehicle, make, model, year, primary user, mileage traveled or hours of use, annual rental or lease cost if not purchased, or the purchase price.
I. Each budget unit shall submit an operational plan as part of its budget request. To the maximum extent practicable, an agency's operational plan shall be consistent with the agency's strategic plan required by R.S. 39:31. For higher education agencies, the operational plan shall also be consistent, to the maximum extent practicable, with the master plan for higher education required by Article VIII, Section 5(D)(4) of the Constitution of Louisiana. The operational plan shall include a current statement of the agency's mission and its goals, objectives, performance indicators, and activities, as well as a detailed plan of its operations. The plan shall be prepared in the manner prescribed by the commissioner of administration. Information contained in the operational plan shall be used by the division of administration in the development of the executive budget and supporting document in order to ensure that performance standards are consistent with the financial plan for the fiscal year.
J. The commissioner of administration shall establish guidelines for the calculation of projected performance standards to be included in each agency's operational plan. Such guidelines shall be submitted to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget prior to implementation.
K. The provisions of Subsections A through I of this Section shall not apply to budget requests of those higher education systems, institutions, or budget units which are subject to the requirements of R.S. 39:32.1.
L.(1)(a) Beginning with budget preparation for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget, the division of administration shall develop a "cost recovery" budget request form to be completed by each budget unit in the executive branch of state government, except those in higher education agencies in which case the Board of Regents shall develop such form.
(b) Such form shall require the budget unit to:
(i) List all fees authorized for collection by the budget unit that are requested to be appropriated in the General Appropriation Bill as part of the unit's operating budget.
(ii) Report the prior fiscal year's actual revenue generated from fees as well as actual expenditures associated with providing the service or performing the activity; report the current fiscal year's budget authority and anticipated expenditures; report the next fiscal year's requested budget authority and projected expenditures.
(iii) Provide a summary description of service or activity funded by the fee and the legal authority for the fee.
(iv) Include performance indicator data associated with the service or activity.
(v) Provide historical data on revenue generated and expenditures.
(vi) Provide a recommendation on apportionment of funding between the state and the particular user group.
(c) For purposes of this Section, "expenses" shall include both direct and indirect cost associated with providing the service or performing the activity.
(d) The division of administration and Board of Regents may modify the current Budget Request Form No. 6, 6(a), (b) and (s) or a similar form reporting means of finance other than state general fund to be the cost recovery form required by this Section.
(e) Guidelines for completing the cost recovery form shall be included in the annual instructions provided by the division of administration or Board of Regents to the budget units. In addition, the cost recovery form shall be included in and considered a part of the official documents of the budget unit's budget request.
(2)(a) The meaning of terms used in this Section, the creation of budget form, the distribution of the form, and inclusion in the budget unit's official budget request and distribution thereof shall be consistent with the provisions of Subpart A of Part II of Chapter I of Subtitle I of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.
(b) In addition, the head of each budget unit or the Board of Regents, simultaneous with submission of their budget request to the governor, shall submit to the Commission on Streamlining Government their completed cost recovery forms on services and activities performed by their budget units.
(3) If any budget unit fails to submit completed cost recovery forms as required by this Section, R.S. 39:33(B) shall be applicable.
Acts 1989, No. 836, §1, eff. July 1, 1989; Acts 1993, No. 533, §1, eff. July 1, 1993; Acts 1997, No. 1403, §2, eff. July 1, 1997; Acts 1997, No. 1465, §2, eff. July 15, 1997; Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 49, §1, eff. July 1, 1998; Acts 2010, No. 1001, §1, eff. July 1, 2010; Acts 2017, No. 402, §1, eff. July 1, 2017.