RS 2862 - District as political subdivision and budgetary unit; purpose
The Claiborne Parish Watershed District shall be a political subdivision of the state of Louisiana and a budgetary unit of the state of Louisiana, which shall have as its purpose the conservation of soil and water, including surface and groundwater, and developing the natural resources and wealth of the district for sanitary, agricultural, industrial, and recreational purposes, as the same may be conducive to the public health, safety, convenience, or welfare or of public utility or benefit. The creation and maintenance of Lake Claiborne within the district shall be for the purpose of conserving the soil and water, including surface and groundwater, and developing the natural resources and wealth of the district for sanitary, agricultural, industrial, and recreational purposes, as the same may be conducive to the public health and public utility and benefit.
Added by Acts 1966, No. 299, §2; Acts 2004, No. 390, §1.