RS 282.2 - Character education programs; legislative findings; clearinghouse for information; permissive curriculum; dissemination of information; progress reports; rules and regulations
A. The legislature finds and acknowledges that while character development is a parental responsibility, the responsibility also extends to others. The legislature further finds that character education must be augmented and reinforced by public schools in order to prepare students to be productive, self-sufficient citizens who can ably assume societal responsibilities.
B. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall provide a clearinghouse for information on nonsectarian practices in character education programs within Louisiana and across the nation in order to assist public elementary and secondary schools in improving character education. Clearinghouse information shall include information about comprehensive character education programs or curricula, which focus on the development of character traits such as honesty, fairness, and respect for self and others.
C. Any city or parish school system may offer a nonsectarian character education curriculum pursuant to the provisions of this Section in kindergarten through grade twelve, which focuses on the development of character traits such as honesty, fairness, respect for self and others, or other character traits as determined by individual school communities.
D. The state superintendent of education shall insure that information on nonsectarian practices, models, and potential funding sources relative to character education programs is disseminated to all city and parish school systems in the state by not later than August 1, 1999, and by not later than August first annually thereafter.
E. Beginning January 1, 1999, the state superintendent shall annually provide a progress report on the implementation of the provisions of this Section and the effectiveness thereof to the House Committee on Education, the Senate Committee on Education, and the governor.
F. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall adopt rules and regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act necessary for the implementation of this Section and any city or parish school system offering a character education curriculum shall do so in accordance with such rules and regulations.
Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 149, §1.