RS 2501 - Interagency Recreation Board; creation; officers
A. The Interagency Recreation Board, referred to hereafter in this Chapter as the board, is created as a state agency in the Department of Public Safety and Corrections.
B. The board shall be comprised of seven members as follows:
(1)(a) The secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, and the secretary of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, each of whom shall be an ex officio member with full voting rights and all other rights of members.
(b) The secretary of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism may designate a person to serve as a member of the board in his absence. Any such person shall have the full voting rights and all other rights granted to the secretary as a member of the board.
(2) Four persons to be appointed by the governor.
C. The appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing governor.
D. Board members shall be reimbursed their actual travel expenses incurred in carrying out their duties as board members in accordance with state travel regulations promulgated by the division of administration.
E. Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum and all actions of the board shall require the affirmative vote of at least four members of the board.
F. The board shall be domiciled in Baton Rouge.
G. The governor shall select a chairman of the board and each year the board shall elect three of its members from whom the governor shall select one person to serve as vice chairman of the board. The secretary of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, or his designee, shall serve as secretary of the board. The vice chairman shall act as chairman in the absence or disability of the chairman or in the event of a vacancy in the chairmanship.
H. The board shall meet at such times as are necessary to effectuate its purposes. The board shall meet upon call of the chairman or upon the request of any three members.
I. Each appointment by the governor and each designee shall be submitted to the Senate for confirmation.
Acts 1999, No. 1148, §2; Acts 2020, No. 257, §2.