RS 2449.1 - Guidelines for training of temporary training permit holders
A. The board shall establish formal and practical education guidelines for the training of temporary training permit holders.
B. The guidelines shall include all of the following:
(1) The subject matter to be taught.
(2) The length of the training.
(3) The extent of a temporary training permit holder's contact with the public.
(4) The responsibility of the sponsor and co-sponsor for direct supervision of all aspects of the training.
C. The training period begins on the date of the issuance of the temporary permit. A temporary training permit holder must complete at least one hundred fifty hours of directly supervised practicum that includes:
(1) Twenty-five contact hours of pure tone air conduction, bone conduction, and speech audiometry, recorded or live voice, with fifteen of the required hours being with actual clients.
(2) Twenty-five contact hours of hearing instrument evaluations, including sound-field measurements with recorded or live voice.
(3) Twenty contact hours of instrument fittings with actual clients.
(4) Ten contact hours of earmold orientation types, uses, and terminology.
(5) Five contact hours of earmold impressions and otoscopic examinations of the ear.
(6) Fifteen contact hours of troubleshooting of defective hearing instruments.
(7) Twenty contact hours of case history with actual clients.
(8) Ten contact hours regarding the laws governing the licensing of persons fitting and dispensing hearing instruments and federal Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission regulations relating to the fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments.
(9) Twenty contact hours of supplemental work in one or more of the areas described in Paragraphs (1) through (8) of this Subsection.
D. A contact hour consists of fifty-five minutes.
E. On completion of the directly supervised practicum required under Subsection C of this Section, the temporary training permit holder shall continue the permit holder's training under the direct supervision of the permit holder's sponsor or co-sponsor.
Acts 2005, No. 261, §1; Acts 2011, No. 93, §1.