RS 2294 - Secretary of environmental quality; powers and duties
The secretary shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To prepare and develop a general plan for the comprehensive, omnimedia, reduction of hazardous and nonhazardous waste generation in Louisiana.
(2) To develop disaggregated percent waste reduction data, derived from production-based waste generation data pursuant to R.S. 30:2295, that accurately measure and depict reduction of waste. The data herein developed shall be compiled and maintained within the department as a source library and bibliography.
(3) To redevelop the existing department fee schedule to encourage the reduction of waste generation in Louisiana.
(4) To provide technical assistance to generators of waste, to act as a clearinghouse for information concerning waste reduction, and to identify sources of outside assistance including other state programs, universities, and professional consultants.
(5) To consider, analyze, and determine the advisability and manner of granting regulatory and fee concessions that reward actual and significant waste reduction. Any concession granted pursuant to this Paragraph shall result in an overall net improvement in environmental protection.
(6) To adopt and promulgate rules and regulations consistent with applicable state and federal law and the general intent and purposes of this Chapter for the reduction of the amount of waste generation in Louisiana, or for any programs or activities authorized by this Chapter.
(7) To develop any necessary procedures and regulations conforming to applicable state and federal laws to amend existing permits, licenses, variances, or compliance schedules necessary for the proper administration and control of programs authorized under the provisions of this Chapter.
(8) To apply for and accept grants of money from the United States Environmental Protection Agency or other federal agencies for the purpose of obtaining funds for implementation, administration, and documentation of activities conducted under the authority of the Louisiana Waste Reduction Law, R.S. 30:2291 et seq.
(9) To make grants from the Alternative Technologies Research and Development Trust Fund to colleges and universities within Louisiana for generic research relative to waste reduction technologies, processes, or materials that can be transferred to and shared with other waste generators in the state.
Acts 1987, No. 657, §2.