RS 2214.1 - Work on holidays
All municipal police department employees to which this Subpart applies who are required to work on Christmas, New Year's Day, July 4th, and Labor Day, and/or on any other two state legal holidays to be selected and designated by the local governing authority, shall receive, in addition to the compensation to which such employee would be entitled under laws and pay plans in effect, extra compensation at the rate of one times his usual salary, to be determined by reducing his average monthly salary to an hourly scale but which, in no event, shall be less than two times the hourly rate payable to the employee for straight or regular time under laws or pay plans in effect; provided, that in lieu of additional compensation, governing authorities, at their option, may grant police department employees time off from work for which such additional compensation would be due and payable to said employees.
Nothing in this Section shall preclude a local governing authority from granting to its municipal police department employees covered hereby, additional holidays; provided payment therefor is not less than required by the provisions of this Section.
Added by Acts 1975, No. 124, §1.