RS 2018.4 - Louisiana Obesity Prevention and Management Commission
A. There is hereby established in the Louisiana Department of Health a commission designated the Louisiana Obesity Prevention and Management Commission ("commission"), composed of ten members as provided for in this Section. The commission may accept and expend grants and private donations from any source, including federal, state, public, and private entities, to assist it to carry out its functions.
B. The powers, functions, and duties of the commission shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Assisting the executive departments and agencies in achieving programmatic goals related to obesity prevention and management. To this end, the commission shall provide leadership and support for:
(a) Organizational efforts found necessary to achieve programmatic objectives.
(b) Articulating standards through the dissemination of materials, identification of expert opinion, identification of alternate means of developing effective population-based programs, and development of policy in identified health risks.
(c) Creating awareness among payers, providers, and patients of evidence-based practices to prevent and manage overweight and obesity conditions.
(d) Dissemination of the latest health outcomes data and health trends in the area of overweight and obesity concerns.
(e) Conducting evaluations of program effectiveness.
(f) Encouraging research and the identification of resources that seek ways to promote cost-effective methods of treating overweight and obesity conditions.
(2) Assisting in conducting exploratory research as deemed necessary with the intent of achieving programmatic objectives.
(3) Conducting public meetings to discuss obesity.
(4) Advising participating agencies on the development and implementation of obesity programs.
(5) Analyzing what other entities across the state are doing to combat obesity.
(6) Advising the executive departments and agencies as to the implementation of the commission's recommendations.
C. The commission may adopt such rules of procedure as are necessary to facilitate orderly conduct of its business.
D. The commission shall be composed of the following members and sector representation:
(1) The secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, or his designee.
(2) The state superintendent of education, or his designee.
(3) The commissioner of insurance, or his designee.
(4) The president of the Senate, or his designee.
(5) The speaker of the House of Representatives, or his designee.
(6) The director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, or his designee.
(7) The director of the Prevention Research Center at Tulane University, or his designee.
(8) The director of the Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development and Lifelong Learning, or his designee.
(9) The commission shall encourage representation from multisector partners including but not limited to:
(a) City planning and transportation.
(b) Health systems and healthcare providers treating obesity.
(c) Louisiana Medicaid.
(d) Local governments.
(e) Food banks in the state.
(f) Employer organizations, including but not limited to chambers of commerce.
(g) Public nonprofit organizations and community-based organizations.
(h) Other professionals, as the commission finds necessary, who are addressing the issue of obesity in adults and children.
E. Nonlegislative members of the commission shall not be entitled to per diem or any other compensation for their service but shall be entitled to reimbursement of any necessary and reasonable expense incurred in the performance of their duties on the commission, including travel expenses. Each legislative member of the commission shall receive the same per diem and travel reimbursement for attending meetings of the commission as is normally provided for members of the legislature.
F. The commission shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings shall also be held on call of the chairman or at the request of at least three members of the commission. Presence of a majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
G. The commission shall submit an annual report, including proposed legislation if necessary, to the governor and to the health and welfare committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, sixty days prior to the convening of each regular legislative session. The report shall update the legislature on the commission's progress toward increasing prevention and management of the disease of obesity in adults and children.
H. The legislative authority for the existence of the commission shall cease on March 31, 2020.
Acts 2014, No. 580, §2, eff. June 9, 2014; Acts 2016, No. 186, §1; Acts 2018, No. 409, §1, eff. May 23, 2018.