RS 191 - Exclusion, ejection; initial remedy; procedure
A. If a person is excluded from or ejected from any race track, race meeting, race, or any establishment licensed to operate or conduct any exotic wagering or pari-mutuel wagering or pools by a majority of the stewards of a race track, association or establishment the person shall exhaust all administrative remedies before the commission prior to instituting any legal action seeking judicial relief.
B. The owner or officer of a race track, association, or licensed establishment shall notify the commission in writing of any person's exclusion or ejection within three calendar days after the day on which the exclusion or ejection occurred, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays. The notice shall include the name of the person excluded or ejected and any other pertinent information about the person and the date and approximate time when, and place where, the exclusion or ejection occurred and the reason therefor.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 779, §1.