RS 1731 - Sweet potato dealer's permit requirement; application; exception; denial, suspension, revocation, and probation of dealer's permit
A. All persons, including sweet potato growers and farmers, commercially growing, selling or offering for sale sweet potatoes shall not grow, move, clean, grade, pack or repack for sale, or process in any manner sweet potatoes without a valid sweet potato dealer's permit.
B. Applicants for a sweet potato dealer's permit shall complete and file the application required by the department, which shall set forth the following conditions:
(1) A guarantee to reimburse any purchase price of sweet potatoes which are confiscated because of sweet potato weevil infestation or unauthorized sale, offer for sale, or movement.
(2) An agreement to permit, at the dealer's cost, the disposal or destruction by the department or the return to point of origin of any sweet potatoes sold, offered for sale, moved or moving without authorization, or infested with sweet potato weevils.
(3) A signed agreement to comply with any and all sweet potato quarantine regulations and any conditions specified in the agreement.
C. The provisions of this Section do not apply to retail grocers and other retail outlets selling or offering for sale sweet potatoes possessing a valid certificate permit or certificate permit tags indicating that the sweet potatoes have been inspected, and that are sold or offered for sale directly to the consumer from a permanent building at a permanent location.
D. A sweet potato dealer's permit may be suspended, revoked, or placed on probation if the holder thereof fails to comply with the provisions of Parts III and III-A of Chapter 12 of this Title or with the provisions of a signed compliance agreement with the department, subject to a finding in support of such action in a properly conducted adjudicatory hearing.
E. The department may refuse to renew a sweet potato dealer's permit if the person or business applying for such permit owes unpaid sweet potato fees, taxes, or civil penalties.
Acts 2013, No. 332, §1, eff. June 17, 2013.