RS 165 - Deposit of funds
A. Except as otherwise provided by this Section, the administrator shall promptly deposit in the Bond Security and Redemption Fund of this state all funds received under this Chapter, including the proceeds from the sale of abandoned property under R.S. 9:164. The administrator shall retain in a separate trust fund at least five hundred thousand dollars from which the administrator shall pay claims duly allowed. Before making the deposit, the administrator shall record the name and last known address of each person appearing from the holders' reports to be entitled to the property and the name and last known address of each insured person or annuitant and beneficiary and, with respect to each policy or contract listed in the report of an insurance company, its number, the name of the company, and the amount due.
B. The administrator may deduct an amount equal to the costs incurred for authorized external auditing from total gross collections during any fiscal year, and an amount not to exceed seven percent of the total gross collections during any fiscal year for the remaining costs of administering this Chapter.
C.(1) The Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund is created as a special fund in the state treasury for the deposit of a portion of the funds received by the administrator under this Chapter. The state treasurer shall deposit into the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund each fiscal year fifteen million dollars.
(a) There is hereby created, as a special account in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund, the I-49 North Account. The source of monies in the I-49 North Account shall be fifty percent of the funds deposited in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund each fiscal year, any monies appropriated to the fund by the legislature, including federal funds, donations, gifts, or grants, and any other monies as may be provided by law.
(b) There is hereby created, as a special account in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund, the I-49 South Account. The source of monies in the I-49 South Account shall be fifty percent of the funds deposited in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund each fiscal year, any monies appropriated to the fund by the legislature, including federal funds, donations, gifts, or grants, and any other monies as may be provided by law.
(2) Monies appropriated from the funds shall be expended only in accordance with the provisions of this Paragraph:
(a) For transfer to the State Bond Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "commission", to pay the principal, premium, and interest of unclaimed property bonds issued by the commission pursuant to R.S. 9:165.1 as the bonds become due and payable and to fund such reserves for contingencies, costs, and expenses as may be required by the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds as well as pay amounts of ongoing expenses associated with the administration, maintenance, or evaluation of the bonds issued for Interstate 49 North and Interstate 49 South. Proceeds of the bonds, except monies needed to fund reserves and pay costs of issuance, and to the extent not needed to pay debt service or other amounts due under the resolution authorizing the bonds, shall be expended utilizing any or all powers granted to the commission including the funding or securitization of revenue bonds. Monies from the I-49 North Account shall be used exclusively to match federal funds to be used by the Department of Transportation and Development for the costs for and associated with the construction of Interstate 49 North from Interstate 20 in the city of Shreveport to the Louisiana/Arkansas border. Monies from the I-49 South Account shall be used exclusively to match federal funds to be used by the Department of Transportation and Development for the costs for and associated with the construction of Interstate 49 South from Interstate 10 in the city of Lafayette to the West Bank Expressway in the city of New Orleans.
(b) For transfer to the Department of Transportation and Development:
(i) Funds from the I-49 North Account to be used exclusively to match federal funds to be used for the costs for and associated with the construction of Interstate 49 North from Interstate 20 in the city of Shreveport to the Louisiana/Arkansas border; provided, however, that the monies in the fund shall first be applied to that portion of the project from I-220 to the Louisiana/Arkansas border; and
(ii) Funds from the I-49 South Account to be used exclusively to match federal funds to be used for the costs for and associated with the construction of Interstate 49 South from Interstate 10 in the city of Lafayette to the West Bank Expressway in the city of New Orleans.
(3) All unexpended and unencumbered monies in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund, the I-49 North Account, and the I-49 South Account at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund, the I-49 North Account, and the I-49 South Account and interest earned on the investment of these monies shall be credited to the Unclaimed Property Leverage Fund, the I-49 North Account, and the I-49 South Account.
Acts 1986, No. 829, §1, eff. July 10, 1986; Acts 1997, No. 809, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 2004, No. 839, §1; Acts 2005, No. 256, §1, eff. June 29, 2005; Acts 2007, No. 320, §1, eff. July 9, 2007; Acts 2011, No. 413, §1.