RS 148.2 - Lands which may be leased
A. Any lessor may, through its governing authority, lease any lands of which the lessor has title, custody, or possession, and the State Mineral and Energy Board may lease lands, bodies of any lakes, bays or coves, sea, arms of the sea, or other navigable waters and beds thereof belonging to the state or the title to which is in the public:
(1) For the purpose of granting to the lessee the right to erect and use on the surface of the leased premises tanks and facilities for the receipt, storage, withdrawal, transportation, and shipment of oil, natural gas, liquid or liquified hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, goods, wares, and merchandise, and for other purposes necessary or incidental thereto, including the construction of houses for employees, warehouses, pipelines, separation and dehydration facilities, pump stations, compressor stations, loading stations, wharves, and docks.
(2) For the purpose of injection, storage, transportation, shipment, and withdrawal of oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, or carbon dioxide in any underground reservoir lying beneath such lands or water bodies, and beds thereof, and for other purposes necessary or incidental thereto, including drilling of any wells for injection, storage, or withdrawal of such product stored in such underground reservoir and the construction of houses for employees, warehouses, pipelines, separation and dehydration facilities, compressor stations, pump stations, loading stations, wharves, and docks.
(3) For the purpose of making and using caverns in salt domes lying beneath such lands or water bodies, and beds thereof, for the injection, storage, transportation, shipment, and withdrawal of oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, or carbon dioxide and for other purposes necessary or incidental thereto, including drilling of any wells for making such caverns and for injecting, storing, and withdrawing of such product in such caverns and the construction and maintenance of facilities for housing employees, pipelines, separation and dehydration facilities, compressor stations, pump stations, loading stations, wharves, and docks.
B. In addition, where otherwise consistent with the provisions of this Subpart as applied to leased premises, the State Mineral and Energy Board may grant surface or subsurface agreements for the right to erect and use on unleased premises such facilities and equipment.
Acts 1995, No. 88, §1, eff. June 12, 1995; Acts 1997, No. 180, §1; Acts 2004, No. 104, §1, eff. May 28, 2004; Acts 2008, No. 315, §1; Acts 2009, No. 196, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.