RS 1321 - Special identification cards; issuance; veteran designation; disabled veteran designation; university logo; "I'm a Cajun" designation; needs accommodation designation; fees; expiration and renewal; exceptions; promulgation of rules; promotion of use; persons less than twenty-one years of age; the Protect and Save our Children Program; Selective Service Registration
A. Any Louisiana resident may obtain a special identification card from the office of motor vehicles within the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, hereinafter referred to as "OMV". The identifying information and documents of identification required to obtain a special identification card shall be the same as those required to obtain a Louisiana driver's license, as stated in R.S. 32:409.1. However, if the applicant is seventeen years of age, the signature of the custodial parent or guardian shall not be required, provided the applicant has the necessary identifying information and documents.
B.(1) Each special identification card shall be accepted as valid identification of the person to whom it was issued when it is presented physically or in the form of a digitized special identification card for the purpose of furnishing proof of that person's identification. Under no circumstances shall the state of Louisiana, or any of its agencies, be held liable in any manner legally or otherwise as a result of the use or misuse of a special identification card.
(2)(a) For purposes of this Subsection, a digitized special identification card shall mean a data file available on any mobile device which has connectivity to the internet through an application that allows the mobile device to download the data file from the department or an authorized representative of the department and contains all of the data elements visible on the face and back of the special identification card, displays the current status of the identification card, and shall include any special identification card that complies with the standards of REAL ID as provided for in Subsection P of this Section. For purposes of this Subparagraph, "current status" shall include but is not limited to valid, expired, or cancelled.
(b) A digital copy, photograph, or image of a special identification card which is not downloaded through the application on a mobile device shall not be considered a valid digitized special identification card as provided by this Subsection.
(c) In connection with requests for identification not associated with traffic stops or checkpoints in Louisiana, a person may be required to produce a physical special identification card to a law enforcement officer, a representative of a state or federal department or agency, or a private entity when so requested and be subject to all the applicable laws and consequences for failure to produce such identification card.
(d) The Department of Public Safety and Corrections shall promulgate rules as are necessary to implement a digitized special identification card. No digitized special identification card shall be valid until the department has adopted the rules.
(e) The display of a digitized special identification card shall not serve as consent or authorization for a law enforcement officer, or any other person, to search, view, or access any other data or application on the mobile device. If a person presents their mobile device to a law enforcement officer for purposes of displaying their digitized special identification card, the law enforcement officer shall promptly return the mobile device to the person once he has had an opportunity to verify the identity of the person.
(f) The fee to install the application to display a digitized special identification card as defined in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph shall not exceed six dollars.
C. This Subsection and Subsection D of this Section shall establish and be cited as the Protect and Save our Children Program for issuance of special identification cards for persons under the age of sixteen. The fee for the issuance or renewal of a special identification card for persons under the age of sixteen shall be three dollars for a two-year identification card and seven dollars and fifty cents for a six-year identification card. The fee for the issuance or renewal of a special identification card for persons sixteen years of age or older shall be fifteen dollars. However, this fee shall be waived for:
(1) Any person who does not have a Louisiana driver's license, upon presentation of his voter registration card or certificate.
(2) Any child who is in foster care as defined in Children's Code Article 603.
D.(1)(a) Each special identification card issued to a person under the age of sixteen shall expire every two years for the three-dollar identification card and every six years for the seven-dollar-and-fifty-cents identification card and may be renewed only by personal appearance. Each special identification card for a person sixteen years of age or older shall expire every six years but may be renewed. The OMV may issue the special identification card for a period of less than six years in circumstances of medical, legal presence, or other special restriction. Where the OMV issues a special identification card to a properly documented alien student or a nonresident alien, the special identification card shall both:
(i) Expire on the date for which the alien's immigration documents expire or six years after issuance, whichever is sooner.
(ii) Contain a restriction code which declares that the special identification card holder is an alien student or a nonresident alien.
(b)(i) Any United States male citizen or immigrant who is fifteen years of age, but less than eighteen years of age, shall provide personal information, including a social security number, if available, to the office of motor vehicles when applying to receive or renew a special identification card for the purpose of registration with the Selective Service. Upon the applicant attaining the age of eighteen years, the applicant shall automatically be registered with the Selective Service. The office of motor vehicles shall forward to the Selective Service System, in an electronic format, the necessary personal information required for registration with the Selective Service after receiving the application to issue or renew a special identification card. The application for issuance or renewal of a special identification card shall include all information required according to the provisions of R.S. 32:418.
(ii) The office of motor vehicles shall not issue or renew any special identification card to any person who refuses to provide personal information for registration with the Selective Service.
(2) With the exception of a special identification card issued to a properly documented alien student and nonresident alien, special identification cards which were obtained by personal appearance at an office of OMV may be renewed by personal appearance or may be renewed by mail. Special identification cards issued to properly documented alien students and nonresident aliens may be renewed only by personal appearance at an office of OMV if the alien can produce proper immigration documents which establish that the alien is legally in the United States. Special identification cards which were obtained by renewal by mail may be renewed only by personal appearance at an office of OMV.
E.(1) Each special identification card shall be similar in size, shape, and design to the Louisiana driver's license, and shall include a picture of the person to whom the card is issued. Each special identification card shall clearly state that it does not enable the person to whom it is issued to operate a motor vehicle. Beginning January 1, 2000, and thereafter, special identification cards issued pursuant to this Section to applicants less than twenty-one years of age shall contain a highly visible distinctive color to clearly indicate that the card has been issued to an applicant less than twenty-one years of age.
(2) Beginning January 1, 2007, the office of motor vehicles of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections shall provide for a method by which an applicant has the option of including emergency contact information in the operating record of the special identification card to which law enforcement and emergency personnel will have access.
F. No later than December 1, 1999, OMV shall adopt rules for the effective implementation of the provisions of this Section, including but not limited to rules relating to the choice of color and placement on the special identification card for cards issued to applicants less than twenty-one years of age. All rules shall be adopted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. OMV shall utilize the various communications media throughout the state to inform Louisiana residents of the provisions of this Section and to encourage and promote the general public to take advantage of these provisions.
G. Any person who intentionally furnishes false information to OMV for the purpose of obtaining a special identification card, or any person found to be in possession of a fictitious special identification card or a special identification card which has been intentionally altered, or which has been caused to be altered, by such person, or any person who lends his special identification card to another person for unlawful or fraudulent purposes, or any person who refuses to surrender the special identification card to the department upon its lawful demand, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or shall be imprisoned for not more than six months, or both, and shall surrender the special identification card for cancellation. Such person shall not be entitled to apply for a replacement or subsequent special identification card.
H. Persons who are residents of this state and who are sixty years of age or older may obtain a special identification card without charge. This provision shall not apply to the special identification card required to be obtained by a sex offender pursuant to Subsection J of this Section. Special identification cards issued under the provisions of this Subsection shall not be subject to the expiration provisions or the renewal requirements of this Section.
I.(1) An individual may renew the special identification card issued pursuant to this Section by appearing in person at a motor vehicle field office, by mail, and by electronic commerce. An individual shall not make consecutive renewals of a special identification card by mail or electronic commerce, or any combination of the two. The department shall promulgate rules in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to implement the provisions of this Subsection, including but not limited to rules providing for the following procedures for the renewal of special identification cards by mail or electronic commerce:
(a) Procedures to be used to limit the likelihood of fraud in the renewal process.
(b) Procedures to secure payment when a renewal is made by electronic commerce.
(c) Procedures to secure the transmission of personal information electronically, or the use of a disclaimer or warning statement to individuals who choose to use electronic commerce.
(2) When a special identification card has been renewed pursuant to this Subsection, and the department has complied with the requirements of this Subsection and the rules adopted by the department, the state and the department shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of a special identification card renewed pursuant to this Subsection.
J.(1) Any person required to register as a sex offender with the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information, as required by R.S. 15:542 et seq., shall obtain a special identification card issued by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections which shall contain a restriction code declaring that the holder is a sex offender. This special identification card shall include the words "sex offender" in all capital letters which are orange in color and shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. This special identification card shall be carried on the person at all times by the individual required to register as a sex offender.
(2) Each person required to carry a special identification card pursuant to this Subsection shall personally appear, annually, at a field office of the office of motor vehicles to renew his or her special identification card but only after he or she has registered as an offender pursuant to R.S. 15:542 et seq. Reregistration shall include the submission of current information to the department and the verification of this information, which shall include the street address and telephone number of the registrant; the name, street address and telephone number of the registrant's employer, and any registration information that may need to be verified by the bureau. No special identification card shall be issued or renewed until the office of motor vehicles receives confirmation from the bureau, electronically or by other means, that the reregistration of the sex offender has been completed.
(3) The provisions of this Subsection shall apply to all sex offenders required to register pursuant to R.S. 15:542 et seq., regardless of the date of conviction.
(4) Whoever violates this Subsection shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.
K. Upon request, the word "Veteran" shall be exhibited in the color black below the person's photograph on a special identification card upon presentation of a copy of the person's DD Form 214, issued by the United States Department of Defense, or equivalent, as established by administrative rule. No additional fee shall be charged to include such designation. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall comply with the provisions of this Subsection. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall establish rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection.
L.(1) Upon request and payment of an additional fee, the designation "I'm a Cajun" shall be exhibited in the color black below the person's photograph on the special identification card. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall comply with the provisions of this Subsection.
(2) The department shall collect an annual fee of five dollars for inclusion of the designation "I'm a Cajun" on the special identification card, which fee shall be disbursed in accordance with Paragraph (3) of this Subsection. This fee shall be in addition to the payment of any other special identification card fee.
(3) The monies received from the additional fee shall be disbursed quarterly to the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana. The monies received from the additional five-dollar fee shall be disbursed solely to fund scholarships for the "La Fondation Louisiane for the Escadrille Louisiane" scholarship program of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana.
(4) The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall establish such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection.
M.(1) Upon request and payment of a university logo fee, if any, as established by a Louisiana university for the use and display of its logo, the logo of the university shall be exhibited in color on the special identification card. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall comply with the provisions of this Subsection.
(2) The department shall collect such university logo fee, if any, which shall be disbursed in accordance with Paragraph (3) of this Subsection. This university logo fee shall be in addition to the payment of any other special identification card fee.
(3) Any monies received from such university logo fee shall be disbursed quarterly by the department to the foundation of the university.
(4) The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall establish such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection.
(5) Any implementation costs shall be incurred by the foundation of the university participating in the university logo program.
N.(1) Upon request, the special identification card holder's blood type shall be exhibited on the back of the special identification card. No additional fee shall be charged to include such designation. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall promulgate, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection.
(2) No action taken by any person, whether private citizen or public officer or employee, with regard to any identification card displaying a blood type, shall create a warranty of the reliability or accuracy of the document or electronic image, or create any liability on the part of the state, or on the part of any department, office, or agency of the state, or on the part of any officer, employee, or agent of the state.
O. Upon request, the words "100% DAV" shall be exhibited in the color black below the person's photograph on a special identification card upon presentation of a copy of the person's DD Form 214, issued by the United States Department of Defense, or equivalent, and presentation of one hundred percent disabled veteran status as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, as established by administrative rule. No additional fee shall be charged to include such designation. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall comply with the provisions of this Subsection. The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall establish rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection.
P.(1) The Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of motor vehicles, hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "department", shall provide for the option of the issuance of special identification cards that are compliant with the standards of the REAL ID Act of 2005, P. L. 109-13, and federal rules adopted pursuant thereto as of January 1, 2016, hereinafter collectively referred to as REAL ID, for official purposes, in the manner set forth in this Subsection.
(2) Any person applying for a special identification card pursuant to the provisions of this Section may elect to apply for a special identification card that complies with the standards of REAL ID. If that person is eligible for a special identification card to be issued pursuant to the provisions of this Section and meets all requirements of the United States Department of Homeland Security for a REAL ID compliant credential, that person shall be issued a special identification card which bears a United States Department of Homeland Security approved security marking reflecting that such credential meets REAL ID standards. A person who is issued a REAL ID compliant special identification card shall not be issued a REAL ID compliant driver's license.
(3) Any person applying for a special identification card pursuant to the provisions of this Section who elects not to apply for a special identification card that complies with REAL ID standards and who is otherwise eligible to be issued a special identification card pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be issued a special identification card which indicates the special identification card is not in compliance with REAL ID. If the person has elected not to apply for a REAL ID compliant special identification card, the department shall not require the applicant to comply with any REAL ID requirements that were not required by the state as of January 1, 2016, or require the applicant to submit to a facial image capture in connection with such application prior to determining if such applicant is eligible to be issued a special identification card. If the person has elected not to apply for a REAL ID compliant special identification card, the department shall not copy, scan, maintain, or share a copy of the applicant's documents proving his identity obtained from any person in the process of applying for the issuance or renewal of a special identification card. Documents proving identity shall include but not be limited to the applicant's birth certificate, social security card, or United States issued passport. If the person has elected not to apply for a REAL ID compliant special identification card, the department shall not scan or maintain a copy of the applicant's documents proving his identity. This includes but is not limited to the applicant's birth certificate, social security card, or United States issued passport.
(4)(a) Each applicant for a special identification card shall be informed that he is not required by law to be issued a REAL ID special identification card and may be issued a special identification card which is not REAL ID compliant. Each applicant shall be required to indicate on the special identification card application whether he is applying for a REAL ID compliant special identification card or a special identification card that is not REAL ID compliant. Each applicant shall also be required to indicate on his special identification card application that he was provided the printed document as required pursuant to Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph.
(b) The department shall provide each applicant for a special identification card a printed document that includes the following information:
(i) The documents that are required to be provided by the applicant to obtain a REAL ID compliant special identification card, and the documents that are required to be provided by the applicant to obtain a special identification card that is not REAL ID compliant.
(ii) The purposes for which a REAL ID compliant special identification card may be utilized and the purposes for which a special identification card that is not REAL ID compliant may be utilized.
(iii) The electronic technology incorporated into a REAL ID compliant special identification card and the electronic technology incorporated into a special identification card that is not REAL ID compliant.
(5) Compliance with REAL ID referenced in this Subsection shall be limited to those standards in effect as of January 1, 2016. Any subsequent changes or additions to federal laws or rules for implementation of REAL ID shall be implemented by the state only if such changes are approved by the legislature by a favorable vote of a majority of the elected members of each house.
(6) Any eligible person electing to obtain a special identification card which bears a United States Department of Homeland Security approved security marking reflecting that such credential meets REAL ID standards prior to the renewal date of his special identification card may be issued such credential at the cost of a duplicate special identification card.
(7) Upon the request of any applicant for a special identification card, the department shall record and retain the applicant's name, date of birth, certificate numbers, date filed, and issuing agency in lieu of retaining an image or copy of the applicant's birth certificate.
(8) The department shall not participate in any programs that exchange or allow the access of facial biometric data of Louisiana citizens obtained in the issuance or renewal of a Louisiana special identification card to the agencies, governments, or contractors of other states or nations without a warrant or a court order issued for access to that data.
Q.(1) Upon the request of any person, any personal identifying source documents or photographs of such person obtained by the department or a contractor in the process of a person applying for or renewing a special identification card between July 7, 2008, and the effective date of this Subsection that were not required by state law to be captured by the department or a contractor as of July 7, 2008, shall be disposed of as follows:
(a) Personal identifying source documents shall be removed and purged from department and contractor databases and systems.
(b) All photographs of persons obtained by the department which are in the possession of a contractor shall be purged from the database or system of that contractor.
(2) As used in this Subsection, the following terms shall mean and include:
(a) "Contractor" shall mean and include any contractor of the department or any affiliate or subsidiary of such contractor and any subcontractor of such contractor or any affiliate or subsidiary of such subcontractor.
(b) "Personal identifying source documents" shall mean and include any document provided by any person to prove his identity or residence. It shall include all copies, scans, or digital images of such documents.
(c) "Photographs" shall mean and include any captured image, digital or otherwise, of a person's face. It shall include all copies, scans, or digital images of such image.
R.(1) Upon request of an applicant for a special identification card who needs accommodation, a designation that the applicant needs accommodation shall be exhibited on the special identification card, upon presentation of a statement from a qualified medical professional licensed in Louisiana or any other state or territory of the United States verifying the medical reason, including any mental, physical, or developmental disability, the applicant needs accommodation as established by administrative rule. No additional fee shall be charged to include such designation.
(2) The deputy secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement this Subsection, including a waiver of liability for the release of any medical information. Such rules shall be effective no later than July 1, 2018. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 49:968(B)(12), the senate and house committees on transportation, highways and public works shall have oversight of the adoption of rules and regulations required by this Subsection.
(3) The designation authorized by this Subsection shall not be available prior to the effective date of the administrative rules required by Paragraph (2) of this Subsection.
S. No fee shall be charged for transactions to issue a duplicate special identification card to correct an address due to the renaming of a street or highway in accordance with a parish or municipal ordinance.
Added by Acts 1974, No. 2, §1. Amended by Acts 1981, No. 237, §2; Acts 1981, No. 537, §1; Acts 1982, No. 412, §1; Acts 1986, No. 995, §1; Acts 1987, No. 575, §2; Acts 1990, No. 263, §1; Acts 1990, No. 494, §1; Acts 1992, No. 202, §1; Acts 1992, No. 622, §1; Acts 1992, No. 984, §18; Acts 1995, No. 169, §1; Acts 1997, No. 779, §2; Acts 1999, No. 556, §2; Acts 2000, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 7, §1, eff. April 12, 2000; Acts 2001, No. 126, §1; Acts 2001, No. 601, §1; Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 46, §3; Acts 2003, No. 373, §2, eff. July 1, 2003; Acts 2006, No. 444, §1; Acts 2006, No. 663, §3; Acts 2009, No. 349, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2010, No. 842, §1; Acts 2011, No. 30, §1; Acts 2012, No. 356, §2; Acts 2012, No. 398, §2; Acts 2013, No. 55, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2014; Acts 2014, No. 451, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2015; Acts 2015, No. 369, §2; Acts 2016, No. 394, §2; Acts 2016, No. 496, §2, eff. June 14, 2016; Acts 2016, No. 505, §2, eff. June 14, 2016; Acts 2017, No. 74, §2; Acts 2018, No. 552, §2; Acts 2021, No. 335, §2; Acts 2021, No. 348, §2.