RS 1300.13 - Automobile safety recalls
A. At the time when a vehicle owner registers as a shared vehicle owner on a peer-to-peer car sharing program and prior to the time when the shared vehicle owner makes a shared vehicle available for car sharing on the peer-to-peer car sharing program, the peer-to-peer car sharing program shall:
(1) Verify that the shared vehicle does not have any safety recalls on the vehicle for which the repairs have not yet been made.
(2) Notify the shared vehicle owner of the requirements pursuant to Subsection B of this Section.
B.(1) If the shared vehicle owner has received an actual notice of a safety recall on the vehicle, a shared vehicle owner shall not make a vehicle available as a shared vehicle on a peer-to-peer car sharing program until the safety recall repair has been made.
(2) If a shared vehicle owner receives an actual notice of a safety recall on a shared vehicle while the shared vehicle is made available on the peer-to-peer car sharing program, the shared vehicle owner shall remove the shared vehicle as available on the peer-to-peer car sharing program as soon as practicably possible after receiving the notice of the safety recall and until the safety recall repair has been made.
(3) If a shared vehicle owner receives an actual notice of a safety recall while the shared vehicle is being used in the possession of a shared vehicle driver, as soon as practicably possible after receiving the notice of the safety recall, the shared vehicle owner shall notify the peer-to-peer car sharing program about the safety recall so that the shared vehicle owner may address the safety recall repair.
Acts 2020, No. 277, §1.