RS 1249.3 - Medical assistance programs
A. The department shall adopt rules and regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act with regards to the following:
(1) Taking actions necessary to complete implementation of the resource allocation models for the New Opportunities Waiver, the Elderly and Disabled Adults Waiver, and the Long-Term Personal Care Services program by July 1, 2012.
(2) Developing an objective formula to determine the staff needed to appropriately regulate and monitor the various home- and community-based programs to control fraud and abuse, to ensure program regulations are adhered to and services are delivered in a quality manner, and to report the department's findings.
(3) Changing the policy on the allocation of waiver slots so that the office for citizens with developmental disabilities and the office of aging and adult services may allocate all Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-approved waivers, such as Children's Choice, Supports, Residential Options and Adult Day Health Care, based upon individual need and cost-effectiveness, as long as individual needs are met with the alternative waivers.
(4) Developing and implementing a budget neutral pilot program in selected areas of the state for an integrated, coordinated, prepaid delivery model for long-term care services for the elderly and people with adult-onset disabilities.
(5) Submitting quarterly reports, the first report being submitted no later than October 1, 2010, to the House and Senate committees on health and welfare and the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. Each report shall include:
(a) The number of recipients served in the Long-Term Personal Care Services program, the Elderly and Disabled Adults Waiver program, and the New Opportunities Waiver program, and the average annual cost per recipient served in each program.
(b) The number of recipients in each program whose annual cost of services exceeds the average cost for that program.
(c) The number of recipients in each program whose annual service cost has increased from the previous year.
(d) The number of persons on waiting lists for each program.
(e) The number of persons on waiting lists who are currently receiving services and the type of services they are receiving.
(f) The number of persons moved from an existing service to the New Opportunities Waiver and the additional cost or savings for each person.
(g) The average cost of persons receiving services from both the Long-Term Personal Care Services program and the Elderly and Disabled Adults Waiver program.
(h) The average cost for persons receiving services in privately operated nursing facilities and privately operated intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities.
(i) The number of waiver recipients whose cost of care exceeds the average cost of the services being waived.
(j) Other pertinent data as requested by the committees.
B. The rules and regulations shall be promulgated no later than October 1, 2010. The department shall also submit to the secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services the necessary revisions to the state plan for medical assistance and the various approved waivers that are necessary to conform those documents with the provisions of this Part.
Acts 2010, No. 305, §1; Redesignated from R.S. 40:1300.323 by HCR 84 of 2015 R.S.