Tax levies for special fund for township hall; use of moneys.

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80-115. Tax levies for special fund for township hall; use of moneys.
The township board of any township which has a township hall, or which uses part of a township water department building or township fire department building as its township hall, is hereby authorized and empowered to levy an annual tax on the taxable tangible property in such township, to provide a special fund for the purpose of acquiring, repairing, equipping and maintaining such township hall.

History: L. 1951, ch. 516, § 1; L. 1953, ch. 461, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 521, § 1; L. 1969, ch. 467, § 1; L. 1970, ch. 385, § 4; L. 1986, ch. 388, § 2; L. 1999, ch. 154, § 52; May 27.

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