76-616j. Conveyance of certain real estate in Lyon county by board of regents authorized; procedure; disposition of proceeds.
(a) The state board of regents is hereby authorized for and on behalf of Emporia state university, to sell and convey, or exchange with the Emporia state university foundation for property of equal or greater value, all of the rights, title and interest in the following tract of real estate and any improvements thereon, located in the city of Emporia in Lyon county, Kansas, commonly known as Emporia State University Apartments at 1201 Triplett Drive, Emporia, Kansas 66801, and described as follows: Even lots 2 through 34 and all of now vacated alleys lying adjacent to said lots, lying south of the south right of way line of Interstate 35, all in Kellogg's addition to the City of Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof.
Also: Lots 1 through 24 in Norton's addition to the City of Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof, all of now vacated alleys lying adjacent to said lots, all of that part of now vacated Eskridge street and all of that part of now vacated Union Pacific railroad, lying west and south of East Street and south of the south right of way line of Interstate 35.
(b) Conveyance of such rights, title and interest in such tract of real estate, and any improvements thereon, shall be executed in the name of the state board of regents by its chairperson and chief executive officer. If a sale is made, not an exchange, the proceeds from sale of such tract of real estate, and any improvements thereon, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of an appropriate account of the restricted fees fund of Emporia state university. The deed for such conveyance may be by warranty deed or by quitclaim deed as determined to be in the best interests of the state by the state board of regents in consultation with the attorney general.
(c) In the event that the state board of regents determines that the legal description of such tract of real estate described by this section is incorrect, the state board of regents may convey the property utilizing the correct legal description but the deed conveying the property shall be subject to the approval of the attorney general.
(d) No exchange and conveyance of real estate and improvements thereon as authorized by this section shall be made by the state board of regents until the deeds and conveyances have been reviewed and approved by the attorney general and, if warranty deeds are to be the instruments of conveyance, title reviews have been performed or title insurance has been obtained and the title opinion or the certificates of title insurance, as the case may be, have been approved by the attorney general.
(e) The conveyance authorized by this section shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3043a or K.S.A. 75-6609, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 2014, ch. 93, § 33; May 1.