76-469. Conveyance of certain property in Montgomery county to Kansas state university endowment association by board of regents authorized.
The state board of regents, for and on behalf of Kansas state university of agriculture and applied science, is hereby authorized to transfer and convey by quitclaim deed to the Kansas state university endowment association the following described property acquired by said university under the last will and testament of the late Charles V. Kincaid of Independence, Kansas:
The northwest quarter of section 21, township 33, range 16, except beginning at the southwest corner of said quarter section, thence north 1600 feet, thence east 350 feet, more or less, to a point 20 feet west of the center line of the existing road, thence in a southerly direction along and 20 feet west of the center line of said road to a point 200 feet north and 600 feet east of the southwest corner of said northwest quarter, thence south 200 feet, thence west 200 feet to point of beginning, all in Montgomery county, Kansas.
History: L. 1974, ch. 411, § 1; March 16.