76-336. Purchase of certain real estate in Kansas City, Kansas, authorized.
The state board of regents is hereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation, certain real estate, known as the Maccochaque school property, in the city of Kansas City, Kansas, consisting of more than two (2) acres, which is described as follows:
All of lots 157, 158 and 159 in Muehlebach place, an addition in Kansas City, Kansas, as the same is marked and designated on the recorded plat thereof, except the west 10 feet of said lot 157 condemned for street purposes; also
All of lots 1, 2 and 31 Hanover heights No. 2, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte county, Kansas, except the east 6.24 feet of said lot 2 and except the west 13 feet of said lot 31 condemned for street purposes. Also a tract of land 5 feet in width, east and west and 158 feet in depth, north and south adjoining said lot 1 on the west; also
Beginning at a point seven chains and sixty links (more or less) south of northwest corner of the south half of the northwest fractional quarter of section thirty-five, township eleven, range twenty-five east of the sixth principal meridian in the state of Kansas, said beginning point being the southwest corner of Muehlebach place as shown by the recorded plat thereof; thence east, along the south line of said Muehlebach place, 220 feet more or less, to a point 5 feet west of the northwest corner of lot 1 Hanover heights No. 2; thence south on a line 5 feet west of and parallel to the west line of lot 1 Hanover heights No. 2; 198 feet more or less to the north line of lot 26 Hanover heights No. 2; thence west on the north line of lots 26 and 31, Hanover heights No. 2, and said line extended west, a distance of 220 feet, more or less to a point on the west line of said south half of the northwest fractional quarter of section 35, township 11, range 25; thence north 198 feet more or less to the point of beginning, except the west 35 feet thereof which is city street.
all for the sum of two hundred seventy thousand dollars ($270,000), subject to the conditions hereinafter provided.
History: L. 1957, ch. 482, § 1; April 4.