76-329. Lease of certain real estate to city of Lawrence for airport purposes.
The state board of regents is hereby authorized and empowered to lease for a term not exceeding thirty (30) years to the city of Lawrence, Kansas, for airport purposes, upon such terms and conditions and for such rental as said board of regents shall deem to the best interests of the university of Kansas and the state of Kansas the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning at a point 1,320 feet north of the southwest corner of section seventeen (17), township twelve (12) south, range twenty (20) east; thence east 2,660 feet to the center of said section seventeen (17); thence north 2,660 feet along the center line of said section seventeen (17); thence west 1,060 feet; thence southwesterly parallel to and 30 feet north of the top of the bank of an old river-bed to a point 1,692 feet north of the southwest corner of said section seventeen (17); thence south along the west boundary line of said section seventeen (17), to the point of beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, and known as the Lawrence municipal airport and located in Douglas county, Kansas. Such lease shall be executed by the chairman of the state board of regents and attested by the secretary of said board. No such lease shall be executed until the same has been approved by the attorney general.
History: L. 1951, ch. 441, § 1; March 26.