76-2124. Acceptance of certain real estate.
The state board of administration is hereby authorized and directed to accept for and on behalf of the state of Kansas the transfer of title to the following described real estate situated in Shawnee county, state of Kansas, to wit:
A part of the northwest fractional quarter (NW 1/4) of sec. twenty-four (24), twp. eleven (11), range fifteen (R. 15), east of the sixth (6th) P.M., commencing at a point on the north line of said quarter (1/4) section, 12.02 chains west (W) of the northeast (NE) corner of said quarter (1/4) section, thence west (W) on said north (N) line 17.04 chains to the northwest (NW) corner of said quarter (1/4) section, thence south (S) 8.33 chains, thence east (E) 12 chains, thence south (S) 8.33 chains, thence east (E) 5.04 chains, thence north (N) to the place of beginning, containing eighteen and one-third (18 1/3) acres, and also commencing 8.33 chains south (S) of the northwest (NW) corner of lot No. 1 of the northeast (NE) fractional quarter (1/4) of sec. twenty-four (24), twp. eleven (11), range fifteen (R. 15), thence east twelve chains, thence south (S) 8.33 chains, thence west (W) 12 chains, thence north (N) 8.33 chains to place of beginning, containing ten (10) acres.
History: L. 1937, ch. 346, § 1; March 25.