74-9808. Tribal gaming fund.
(a) There is hereby created the tribal gaming fund in the state treasury.
(b) All amounts collected by the state gaming agency pursuant to tribal-state gaming compacts shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the tribal gaming fund. All moneys credited to such fund shall be expended or transferred only for the purposes and in the manner provided by this act and tribal-state gaming compacts. Expenditures from such fund shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the executive director or a person designated by the executive director.
(c) All operating expenses of the state gaming agency and the provisions of the tribal gaming oversight act shall be paid from the tribal gaming fund.
(d) The executive director and the director of accounts and reports may provide for the establishment of such accounts in the tribal gaming fund as necessary or expedient to carry out the state's responsibilities and authority under tribal-state gaming compacts and the provisions of the tribal gaming oversight act.
(e) Any appropriation or transfer of state general fund moneys for operations of the state gaming agency and any other expenses incurred in connection with the administration and enforcement of tribal-state gaming compacts or the provisions of the tribal gaming oversight act shall be considered a loan and shall be repaid with interest to the state general fund in accordance with appropriation acts. Such loan shall not be considered an indebtedness or debt of the state within the meaning of section 6 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas. Such loan shall bear interest at a rate equal to the rate prescribed by K.S.A. 75-4210, and amendments thereto, for inactive accounts of the state effective on the first day of the month during which the appropriation or transfer takes effect.
(f) At the time of repayment of a loan pursuant to subsection (d), the executive director shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount to be repaid and any interest due thereon. Upon receipt of such certification, the director of accounts and reports shall promptly transfer the amount certified from the tribal gaming fund to the state general fund.
History: L. 1996, ch. 256, § 8; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 355; July 1.