74-9805. Powers and duties of agency.
(a) The state gaming agency shall be responsible for oversight of class III gaming conducted pursuant to tribal-state compacts and, as such, shall monitor compliance with tribal-state gaming compacts and perform the duties of the state gaming agency as provided by tribal-state gaming compacts.
(b) The state gaming agency may examine and inspect all tribal gaming facilities and facilities linked to Kansas tribal gaming facilities for gaming, including but not limited to all machines and equipment used for tribal gaming.
(c) The state gaming agency may examine, or cause to be examined by any agent or representative designated by the executive director, any books, papers, records, electronic records, computer records or surveillance and security tapes and logs of any tribal gaming facility in accordance with tribal-state gaming compacts.
(d) The executive director may issue subpoenas to compel access to or for the production of any books, papers, records, electronic records, computer records or surveillance and security tapes and logs in the custody or control of a tribal gaming facility or any officer, employee or agent of a tribal gaming facility, or to compel the appearance of any officer, employee or agent of a tribal gaming facility, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with any of the provisions of a tribal-state gaming compact or the tribal gaming oversight act. Subpoenas issued pursuant to this subsection may be served upon individuals and corporations in the same manner provided in K.S.A. 60-304 and amendments thereto for the service of process by any officer authorized to serve subpoenas in civil actions or by the executive director or an agent or representative designated by the executive director. In the case of the refusal of any person to comply with any such subpoena, the executive director may make application to any court of competent jurisdiction.
(e) The state gaming agency may institute the dispute resolution procedure, in accordance with a tribal-state gaming compact, to ensure production of the documents required by the tribal-state gaming compact and to ensure compliance with all provisions of the compact.
(f) The state gaming agency shall monitor, examine and inspect tribal gaming to ensure that tribal gaming is conducted in compliance with tribal-state gaming compacts.
(g) The state gaming agency shall review all licensing and disciplinary actions taken by tribal gaming commissions or any party involved in the tribal gaming and assess if the action complies with the terms of the applicable tribal-state gaming compact.
(h) The executive director, or a designated employee, shall report any substantial noncompliance with a tribal-state gaming compact to the governor.
(i) The state gaming agency may negotiate a resolution between any tribe conducting or operating tribal gaming and any local or county governmental entity regarding the allocation or payment of additional expenses or costs incurred by the governmental entity as a result of tribal gaming, as provided by the applicable tribal-state gaming compacts.
(j) The state gaming agency may adopt background investigation and fingerprinting policies or procedures in accordance with the terms of tribal-state gaming compacts.
(k) The state gaming agency shall perform all functions and duties required to comply with and ensure tribal compliance with tribal-state gaming compacts.
(l) The state gaming agency shall require fingerprinting of all persons necessary to verify qualifications for employment by the state gaming agency or to verify qualification for any license issued pursuant to a tribal-state gaming compact. The state gaming agency shall submit such fingerprints to the Kansas bureau of investigation and to the federal bureau of investigation for the purposes of verifying the identity of such persons and obtaining records of criminal arrests and convictions.
(m) (1) The state gaming agency may receive from the Kansas bureau of investigation or other criminal justice agencies, including but not limited to the federal bureau of investigation and the federal internal revenue service, such criminal history record information (including arrest and nonconviction data), criminal intelligence information and information relating to criminal and background investigations as necessary for the purpose of determining qualifications of employees of and applicants for employment by the state gaming agency and determining qualifications of licensees and applicants for licensure in tribal gaming. Upon the written request of the executive director, the state gaming agency may receive from the district courts such information relating to juvenile proceedings as necessary for the purpose of determining qualifications of employees of and applicants for employment by the state gaming agency and determining qualifications of licensees of and applicants for licensure in tribal gaming.
(2) The state gaming agency may disclose information received pursuant to subsection (m)(1) to a tribal gaming commission as necessary for the purpose of determining qualifications of employees of or applicants for employment by such tribal gaming commission or qualifications of licensees or applicants for licensure by such tribal gaming commission.
(3) Any information, other than conviction data, received by the state gaming agency pursuant to subsection (m)(1) or by a tribal gaming commission pursuant to subsection (m)(2) shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the executive director, employees of the state gaming agency and members and employees of the tribal gaming commission as necessary for the purposes specified by subsections (m)(1) and (m)(2). Any other disclosure of such confidential information is a class A nonperson misdemeanor and shall constitute grounds for removal from office, termination of employment or denial, revocation or suspension of any license issued by the tribal gaming commission.
(n) The executive director may adopt rules and regulations to implement, administer and enforce the provisions of the tribal gaming oversight act.
History: L. 1996, ch. 256, § 5; July 1.