74-8706. Executive director, duties.
The executive director shall have the duty to:
(a) Make and keep books and records which accurately and fairly reflect each day's transactions, including but not limited to: The distribution of tickets and shares to lottery retailers; receipt of funds, prize claims, prize disbursements made by the Kansas lottery or otherwise or prizes liable to be paid by the Kansas lottery; expenses and other financial transactions of the Kansas lottery necessary so as to permit daily accountability.
(b) Make quarterly and annual financial reports to the commission, the governor, the state treasurer and the legislature. Such reports shall be based upon generally accepted accounting principles and include a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, prize disbursements, expenses, net revenues and other financial transactions for the reporting period.
(c) Make available for inspection by the commission, upon request, all books, records, files and other information and documents of the Kansas lottery.
(d) Engage, in accordance with K.S.A. 74-8705, and amendments thereto, an independent firm experienced in marketing research and analysis to conduct periodically an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of marketing, promotion and public information programs used by the Kansas lottery and make recommendations which will enhance such programs.
(e) Prepare and submit budgets and proposals for the operation of the Kansas lottery.
(f) Operate the Kansas lottery in such a manner that, after the initial state appropriation, it is self-sustaining and self-funded.
(g) Make available at the point of sale of any lottery tickets or shares a list of the odds of winning such game, based upon the number of tickets or shares projected to be sold.
(h) Make provision for the timely and efficient transfer of funds due from lottery retailers to the lottery operating fund, including the use of electronic funds transfers whenever possible.
History: L. 1987, ch. 292, § 6; L. 1988, ch. 314, § 2; L. 2001, ch. 24, § 2; July 1.