74-4551. State park and resources authority to grant an easement in certain land located at Crawford state park; conditions.
(a) The state park and resources authority is hereby authorized and directed, in the manner provided in this section, to grant an easement in a tract of land owned by the state of Kansas and located at Crawford state park in Crawford county, Kansas, to an adjoining landowner for the purpose of granting free and open access to the eaves and structure located on lot 43, NELS SMITH-THRONDSON LAKE VIEW PLACE, Farlington Lake, Crawford county, Kansas. The tract of land, containing 1,700 square feet, more or less, is described as follows: Starting from the 3/4″ pipe set at the southeast corner of Lot 43, NELS SMITH-THRONDSON LAKE VIEW PLACE, Farlington Lake, Crawford County, Kansas, and thence due west along the southern boundary of Lot 43 for a distance of 100 feet to the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 43, and thence due north along the western boundary of said Lot 43 for a distance of 50 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 43 and thence due west for a distance of 10 feet and thence due south for a distance of 60 feet and thence due east for a distance of 110 feet and thence due north to the point of origin at the southeast corner of Lot 43 as aforesaid, and all lands and property included therein.
(b) The grant of such easement shall be conditioned upon the payment of a reasonable price therefor. The state park and resources authority shall obtain an appraisement of the value of the easement from one disinterested person residing in Crawford county and appointed for this purpose by the state park and resources authority. In no case shall the price be less than the amount of the appraisement plus the costs incurred by the state park and resources authority in appraising such tract of land. All moneys received by the state park and resources authority under this act shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the state general fund.
(c) An easement granted under this section shall terminate if the tract of land is no longer used for the purpose for which the easement was granted.
(d) The form of such easement shall be approved by the attorney general prior to granting of the easement.
History: L. 1984, ch. 281, § 1; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 321; July 1.