74-4549. State park and resources authority to acquire land for El Dorado state park.
The state park and resources authority shall acquire from the appropriate federal agency, as authorized by K.S.A. 74-4510, and amendments thereto, the following described tracts of land located in Butler county, Kansas, to be known as El Dorado state park: Approximately 3,777 acres of federally owned land in the lower regions of El Dorado lake above elevation 1339.0 MSL and further described as that federally owned land in sections 13, 24, 25, and 36, township 25S, range 5E, and in sections 7, 8, 15 through 22, and 27 through 33, township 25S, range 6E; and approximately 3,700 acres of federally owned land in the upper regions of El Dorado lake above elevation 1339.0 MSL and further described as that federally owned land in sections 20 through 23, 27 through 29, and 32 through 35, township 24S, range 6E, and sections 3 through 11, 14 through 18, 25, and 26, township 25S, range 6E.
History: L. 1984, ch. 288, § 2; July 1.