74-4545. State park authority authorized to negotiate and renegotiate leases for lands in Cheney, Clinton, Elk City, Fall River, Lovewell, Toronto, Perry, Tuttle Creek, Webster and Wilson state parks.
The state park and resources authority is hereby authorized to negotiate and to renegotiate leases for lands in designated state parks with agencies of the federal government or with the state of Kansas, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, having control of lands to provide for approximate changes in acreage within the designated parks as follows:
Cheney State Park, Cheney reservoir, located in Kingman, Reno and Sedgwick counties; decrease in acreage by approximately 306 acres—being that area south of 21st street lying in Kingman county; that area south of 21st street lying in Sedgwick county, except the triangular area south of 21st street between the old and new river channels; and that area north of 21st street lying east of F.A.S. route 556, Sedgwick county, and F.A.S. route 659, Reno county.
Fall River State Park, Fall River reservoir, located in Greenwood county, decrease in acreage by approximately 2028 acres located in the Casner Creek cove and the Badger Creek cove; and decrease in acreage by approximately 130 acres, being that area lying to the north in the upper drainage of the Quarry Bay area, described as that portion lying east of the access road in the S1/2, SE1/4, NE1/4, section 26, and that portion lying north of and east of the access road in the SW1/4, section 25, and in the N1/2, NE1/4, SE1/4, section 26, all in township 27S, range 12E.
Toronto State Park, Toronto reservoir, located in Woodson county, decrease in acreage by approximately 935 acres, being land located at the northwest end of the Holiday Hill area; land south of the dam and east of the new river channel; land adjacent to Curtis cove and south to Woodson cove; land east of the city of Toronto, north of K-105 highway and that land at the upper end of Finger Creek south of and east of the original county highway right-of-way.
Perry State Park, Perry reservoir, located in Jefferson county, increase in acreage by approximately 60 acres, which consists of existing county roads traversing the Delaware and Jefferson Point areas; and decrease in acreage by approximately 21 acres being that portion of land in section 25, township 10S, range 17E, that lies east of Rock Creek Cove, adjacent to the water's edge, elevation 891.5 msl, and adjacent to the state park road that traverses the Delaware area being north and west of said road, being that tract of land that is leased for commercial concession purposes.
Tuttle Creek State Park, Tuttle Creek reservoir, located in Riley county, increase in acreage by approximately 5.5 acres, being that portion of old U.S. 77 right-of-way north of K-16, running northeasterly to the government property line, Fancy Creek area.
Webster State Park, Webster reservoir, located in Rooks county, increase in acreage by approximately 3.5 acres, being the county right-of-way south of U.S. 24, running approximately one-half mile south into the state park.
Elk City State Park, Elk City reservoir, located in Montgomery county, decrease in acreage by approximately 270 acres, being that portion of section 21, township 32S, range 15E, used by the U.S. army corps of engineers as an agricultural lease.
Lovewell State Park, Lovewell reservoir, located in Jewell county, increase in acreage by approximately 5 acres, being that portion of the existing county road that is the access road to the Cedar Point area, Lovewell state park, running from the U.S. government property line, north approximately .7 miles to the section corner of sections 1 and 6, township 2S, and sections 31 and 36, township 1S on the line of range 6W and range 7W.
Clinton State Park, Clinton reservoir, located in Douglas county, increase in acreage by approximately 75 acres in section 7, township 13S, range 19E, being that acreage necessary to build the main entrance road and that tract of land generally located in the west one-half of the northwest quarter that is nearly surrounded by the normal lake line.
Toronto State Park, Toronto reservoir, located in Woodson county, increase in acreage by approximately 12 acres of land and the building thereon in section 36, township 26S, range 13E, near Toronto dam and lake lying west of Toronto dam, east of the existing Kansas state park and resources authority lease, above elevation 901.5 MSL north of the dam, and below the toe of the fill for the dam to the south, except the right-of-way for K-105 highway. Such building and the land are now known as the corps of engineers project office and overlook area. Such addition does not include the dam, any appurtenances thereto, the spillway, stilling basin or outlet channel. Increase in acreage by approximately 43 acres of land in section 19, township 26S, range 14E known as the Mann's cove recreation area, beginning at a point approximately 1,108 feet north of the southeast corner which is the centerline of two 8' x 8' x 186'3" RCB culverts, then west to elevation 901.5 MSL, then northerly along that elevation to a point approximately 105' west of the centerline of three 10' x 9' x 133'6" RCB culverts, then south along the east line of section 19 to the point of beginning, less the right-of-way for K-105 highway.
Wilson State Park, Wilson Reservoir, located in Russell County, Kansas. An increase in acreage by approximately 157 acres of land in section 13, township 13 south, range 11 west, Russell County, Kansas, and section 18, township 13 south, range 10 west, Lincoln County, Kansas, known as Otoe Park.
History: L. 1973, ch. 320, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 405, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 244, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 288, § 1; July 1.