72-6153. Use of emergency safety interventions; seclusion room requirements; school district policies; dispute resolution procedures.
(a) Emergency safety interventions shall be used only when a student presents a reasonable and immediate danger of physical harm to such student or others with the present ability to effect such physical harm. Less restrictive alternatives to emergency safety interventions, such as positive behavior interventions support, shall be deemed inappropriate or ineffective under the circumstances by the school employee witnessing the student's behavior prior to the use of any emergency safety interventions. The use of an emergency safety intervention shall cease as soon as the immediate danger of physical harm ceases to exist. Violent action that is destructive of property may necessitate the use of an emergency safety intervention. Use of an emergency safety intervention for purposes of discipline, punishment or for the convenience of a school employee shall not meet the standard of immediate danger of physical harm.
(b) A student shall not be subjected to an emergency safety intervention if the student is known to have a medical condition that could put the student in mental or physical danger as a result of the emergency safety intervention. The existence of such medical condition must be indicated in a written statement from the student's licensed health care provider, a copy of which shall be provided to the school and placed in the student's file. Such written statement shall include an explanation of the student's diagnosis, a list of any reasons why an emergency safety intervention would put the student in mental or physical danger and any suggested alternatives to the use of emergency safety interventions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, a student may be subjected to an emergency safety intervention, if not subjecting the student to an emergency safety intervention would result in significant physical harm to the student or others.
(c) When a student is placed in seclusion, a school employee shall be able to see and hear the student at all times.
(d) All seclusion rooms equipped with a locking door shall be designed to ensure that the lock automatically disengages when the school employee viewing the student walks away from the seclusion room, or in cases of emergency, such as fire or severe weather.
(e) A seclusion room shall be a safe place with proportional and similar characteristics as other rooms where students frequent. Such room shall be free of any condition that could be a danger to the student, and shall be well-ventilated and sufficiently lighted.
(f) The following types of restraint shall be prohibited:
(1) Prone, or face-down, physical restraint; supine, or face-up physical restraint; physical restraint that obstructs the airway of a student; or any physical restraint that impacts a student's primary mode of communication;
(2) chemical restraint, except as prescribed treatments for a student's medical or psychiatric condition by a person appropriately licensed to issue such treatments; and
(3) mechanical restraint, except those protective or stabilizing devices either ordered by a person appropriately licensed to issue the order for the device or required by law, any device used by a certified law enforcement officer in carrying out law enforcement duties, seatbelts and any other safety equipment when used to secure students during transportation.
(g) Each local board shall develop and implement written policies to govern the use of emergency safety interventions in schools. At a minimum, written district policies shall conform to the standards, definitions and requirements of this act.
Such written policies shall include that:
(1) (A) School personnel training shall be designed to meet the needs of personnel as appropriate to their duties and potential need for the use of emergency safety interventions;
(B) training shall address prevention techniques, de-escalation techniques and positive behavioral intervention strategies;
(C) training shall be consistent with nationally recognized training programs; and
(D) schools shall maintain written or electronic documentation on training provided and lists of participants in each training for inspection by the Kansas state board of education;
(2) a local dispute resolution process shall be developed, which shall include the following:
(A) A procedure for a parent to file a complaint with the local board. If a parent believes that an emergency safety intervention has been used on the parent's child in violation of the act, rules and regulations or the local board's emergency safety intervention policy, the parent may file a complaint within 30 days of the date on which the parent was informed of the use of the emergency safety intervention;
(B) a procedure for complaint investigation;
(C) a procedure to implement a dispute-resolution final decision. The local board's decision shall be in writing and shall include findings of fact and any corrective action required by the school if the local board deems such action necessary. The local board's final decision shall be mailed to the parent and the department within 30 days of the the local board's receipt of the complaint; and
(D) a procedure setting out the parent's right to request an administrative review by the state board, including information as to the deadline by which the parent must submit the request to the state board;
(3) a system for the collection and maintenance of documentation for each use of an emergency safety intervention as set forth in K.S.A. 72-6154, and amendments thereto;
(4) a procedure for the periodic review of the use of emergency safety interventions at each school, which shall be compiled and submitted at least biannually to the superintendent or the superintendent's designee; and
(5) a schedule for when and how parents are provided with notice of the local board's written policies on the use of emergency safety interventions.
(h) Written policies developed pursuant to this act shall be accessible on each school's website and shall be included in each school's code of conduct, school safety plan or student handbook.
(i) (1) Campus police officers and school resource officers shall be exempt from the requirements of this act when engaged in an activity that has a legitimate law enforcement purpose.
(2) School security officers shall not be exempt from the requirements of this act.
History: L. 2015, ch. 72, § 3; L. 2016, ch. 77, § 2; July 1.