72-3410. Duties of boards of education in meeting requirements of law; responsibilities of state board of education and other state agencies; interagency agreements; dispute resolution.
(a) (1) Each board shall adopt and implement procedures to assure that all exceptional children residing in the school district, including homeless children, foster care children and children enrolled in private schools, who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, located and evaluated.
(2) Each board shall provide a free appropriate public education for exceptional children enrolled in the school district and for children with disabilities who are placed in a private school or facility by the school district as the means of carrying out the board's obligation to provide a free appropriate public education under this act and for children with disabilities who have been suspended for an extended term or expelled from school.
(3) Each board shall provide exceptional children who are enrolled by their parents in private schools with special education and related services in accordance with state law and federal law.
(b) If an exceptional child, upon referral by a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery, is admitted to a hospital, treatment center, or other health care institution, or to a group boarding home or other care facility, and the institution or facility is located outside the school district in which the child resides, the district in which the institution or facility is located may contract with the district in which a parent of the child resides to provide special education or related services, if such services are necessary for the child. Special education and related services required by this subsection may be provided pursuant to a contract entered into between the board of the school district of which the child is a resident and the board of the school district in which the child is housed. Any such contract shall be subject to the provisions of subsections (a)(3) and (c) of K.S.A. 72-3411, and amendments thereto. If a contract is not entered into between the school districts, the child shall be deemed to be a pupil of the school district which is providing special education and related services to the child. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit or supersede or in any manner affect or diminish the requirements of compliance by each school district with the provisions of subsection (a), but shall operate as a comity of school districts in assuring the provision of special education services for each exceptional child in the state.
(c) (1) Special education and related services required by this section shall meet standards and criteria set by the state board.
(2) The state board shall be responsible for assuring that the requirements of the federal law and this act are met and that all educational programs for exceptional children, including programs administered by any other state agency: (A) Are under the general supervision of individuals who are responsible for educational programs for exceptional children; and (B) meet the educational standards prescribed by the state board.
(3) Provision (2) of this subsection shall not limit the responsibility of any other state agency to provide, or pay for some or all of the costs of, a free appropriate public education for an exceptional child.
(d) Consistent with state and federal law, state agencies shall enter into such interagency agreements as are necessary or advisable in making a free appropriate public education available to all exceptional children residing in the state. The state board shall establish procedures for resolving interagency disputes, including procedures under which local educational agencies may initiate proceedings to secure reimbursement or otherwise implement or seek enforcement of the provisions of the interagency agreement.
(e) Each school board and state agency is prohibited from requiring any child to obtain a prescription for a substance covered by the federal controlled substances act, 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq., as a condition for the child to attend school or be evaluated or receive special education services under this act.
History: L. 1974, ch. 290, § 6; L. 1979, ch. 219, § 3; L. 1991, ch. 218, § 2; L. 1992, ch. 199, § 1; L. 1999, ch. 116, § 8; L. 2005, ch. 171, § 6; July 1.