65-1,202. Development and implementation of prevention program; licensure training and inspections; fees; rules and regulations.
The secretary shall administer the provisions of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act. In administering the provisions of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, the secretary shall be authorized to:
(a) Develop and implement a childhood lead poisoning prevention program as necessary to protect the health of the children of Kansas, which may include provisions to:
(1) Investigate the extent of childhood lead poisoning in Kansas;
(2) develop a data management system designed to collect and analyze information on childhood lead poisoning;
(3) develop and conduct programs to educate health care providers regarding the magnitude and severity of and the necessary responses to lead poisoning in Kansas;
(4) issue recommendations for the methods and intervals for blood lead screening and testing of children, taking into account recommendations by the United States centers for disease control and prevention, except that no child shall be screened or tested if the child's parent or guardian objects in writing on the ground that such screening or testing is contrary to the parent's or guardian's religious beliefs and practices;
(5) develop and issue health advisories urging health care providers to conduct blood lead screening of children;
(6) encourage health care providers to ensure that parents and guardians of children are advised of the availability and advisability of screening and testing for lead poisoning;
(7) develop a program to assist local health departments in identification and follow-up of cases of elevated blood lead levels in children and other high-risk individuals; and
(8) in consultation with appropriate federal, state and local agencies, develop a comprehensive public education program regarding environmental lead exposures and lead poisoning by:
(A) Identifying appropriate target groups that are in a position to prevent lead poisoning or reduce the number of children who are exposed to lead;
(B) assessing the information needed for each of the target groups and determine the best means of educating the members of each target groups; and
(C) disseminating the information to the target groups in an effective manner.
(b) adopt rules and regulations necessary for the administration of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act including, but not limited to, licensure of business entities and public agencies, certification of individuals, accreditation of training programs, on-site inspections and requirements, notification and record keeping, procedures and work practice standards relating to lead-based paint activities as are necessary to protect the public health and safety;
(c) adopt by rules and regulations a reasonable schedule of fees for the issuance and renewal of certificates and licenses, training program accreditations and on-site inspections. The fees shall be periodically increased or decreased consistent with the need to cover the direct and indirect costs to administer the program. At no time shall such fees exceed those charged by the United States environmental protection agency for the same or similar regulatory programs. The fees shall be based upon the amount of revenue determined by the secretary to be required for proper administration of the provisions of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act. State and local health department personnel certifying for the purpose of environmental investigation of lead poisoned children shall be exempted from licensure fees;
(d) conduct on-site inspections of procedures being utilized by a licensee during an actual abatement project and conduct inspection of the records pertaining to the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act;
(e) adopt rules and regulations regarding the distribution of lead hazard information to owners and occupants of housing prior to conducting renovation activities in housing;
(f) develop rules and regulations to control and disposition and reuse of architectural debris that contains lead-based paint.
History: L. 1999, ch. 99, § 4; Apr. 22.