65-1,195. Kansas state university; duties.
(a) Kansas state university shall cooperate with the department, other agencies and owners and operators of swine facilities to determine best available technology and best management practices.
(b) Within the limitations of appropriations therefor and for the purpose of identifying potential risk of groundwater contamination by swine waste retention lagoons or ponds or land application of swine waste, Kansas state university, as a part of its current evaluation of lagoons and ponds for containment of animal waste, shall conduct nutrient management testing of land where swine waste is applied, including deep soil sampling in areas where land application of swine waste is conducted and in adjacent areas where such waste is not applied. Kansas state university, until completion of the evaluation, shall submit preliminary reports regarding such evaluation on or before the first day of each regular legislative session and, upon completion of the evaluation, shall submit a final report of the evaluation on or before the final day of the next regular legislative session. Each such report shall be submitted to the governor, the senate and house standing committees on agriculture, the senate standing committee on energy and natural resources and the house standing committee on environment.
History: L. 1998, ch. 143, § 19; May 7.