Property crime compensation coordinator; appointment; duties.

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19-4810. Property crime compensation coordinator; appointment; duties.
The county or district attorney in any county where a local fund is created shall appoint a property crime compensation coordinator. The costs of such employee shall be paid by the county in a manner decided by the county commission. If more than one county contained within a judicial district desires to appoint a property crime compensation coordinator, the commissions may agree through an interlocal agreement pursuant to K.S.A. 12-2901 et seq., and amendments thereto, that one or more of such appointees may serve multiple counties.

The property crime compensation coordinator shall provide each victim who files a claim under this act the following information:

(a) Assistance in filling out applications for assistance;

(b) make preliminary investigations of such claim to insure a loss occurred;

(c) if the crime includes a personal injury, assist the victim in making a claim with the state crime victims compensation board;

(d) insure that prior to a sentencing hearing the county or district attorney has information sufficient to recommend an appropriate amount of restitution for the victim or other party which has suffered loss because of the commission of such crime;

(e) notify the local board whether the victim has cooperated fully with law enforcement agencies in prosecuting the crime;

(f) determine and recommend whether the victim desires to receive a lump-sum payment from the local board in lieu of restitution or desires full restitution paid directly by the criminal;

(g) work with court services and probation officers to track restitution payments ordered, and if a delinquency develops, to place such case on the payments docket for review;

(h) coordinate with court service officers or parole officers to insure offenders who are making restitution payments adhere to a payment plan;

(i) coordinate meetings of the local board or boards;

(j) recommend an amount of money to be paid by such local board or boards as compensation for each claim; and

(k) make annual reports on the progress of the program to the chief judge with recommendations for improving the program.

History: L. 1990, ch. 321, § 11; L. 1999, ch. 57, § 8; July 1.

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